Copyright © 2017 Octopus Newsroom
$Date: 2018-03-16 03:12:23 +0100 (Fri, 16 Mar 2018) $
Table of Contents
can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer on MAC?List of Tables
OCTOPUS is the name of your computerized newsroom system, which will connect everybody in the newsroom, regardless of their role or location. OCTOPUS will benefit each of you in different ways, depending on your job, but it is essential that everyone understand the basics of how it works.
This is an essential guide to OCTOPUS, with the basic information about how to log on and off, and how to use the system.
OCTOPUS at your organization may be configured differently than shown in this manual. Menu options will vary according to modules used by your organization, story folders will have different names and rundowns may be organized in a different way. Ask your OCTOPUS system administrator if you think something is missing or configuration changes are required.
Every user needs their own specific login name and a password to access OCTOPUS, this can be configured to be either integrated with your domain username and password or a separate username and password stored within the OCTOPUS database can be used. Regardless of the configured authentication method, it’s important that you log on under your OWN name and not anyone else’s. If you use someone else’s login, messages that you send or receive will be under their name, not yours. User rights are configured for each user according to their role, therefore you may not be able to perform your usual functions under another users login. User actions are also logged according to the username, so ensuring logins are not shared also avoids anyone being wrongly blamed or credited for other users work.
Whether domain integrated authentication or separate Octopus user authentication is used, the login procedure for users is the same. If OCTOPUS has been previously installed on the PC, you will see a blue icon labeled Octopus Client on the desktop. All you need to do is double click on the icon to launch the application. There will be an authentication window where users need to enter their username and password and then click OK. If the blue Octopus icon is missing, OCTOPUS is probably not installed. In this case simply install the application by opening your web browser and entering the address http://%name_of_OCTOPUS_server%. You should then see a web page titled Octopus containing a link titled Launch Octopus Client, just click on the link and the client will be installed on your PC.
When separate Octopus authentication is used, the login password can be changed after login - right click on the username in the bottom right corner and choose Change password.
It’s just as important to remember to log out of the system when you finish using it so you do not take up a client license unnecessarily. Close the OCTOPUS client by clicking on the Log Off from the Windows START menu.
at the top right of the application window, and then to logoff the PC chooseEvery user should fill in all the fields in the User Profile section - right click on the username in the bottom right corner and choose a User profile. These fields not only help other users to find contact details but in some cases other functionalities can depend on them.
There are several tabs where every user can adjust the behaviour of the client and look. The options are User profile, Appearance, Desktop, Script, Media, Wires, Assignment, Rundown Messaging and CG Control look/behaviour/setting.
You can set your birthday
This name is visible when column (Created by, Modified by, Reporter, Presenter) format is set to show short name
this name is visible when column (Created by, Modified by, Reporter, Presenter) format is set to show long name
You can set your default language if you are using multiple script languages or types.
You can change the language of the client. It has to be unlocked by the administrator first.
You can receive offline notifications (System, Wire/Twitter, and User messages) to the specified email when you are not connected with the Octopus client.
You can pick from the predefined extensions and fill in your mobile number. In some cases, the system can be configured to send user to user short text messages (SMS) to the mobile devices or you can receive the offline notifications when your company is using Octopus SMSAgent, GSM notification is ticked and the Offline notification is configured in the widget configuration.
You can fill in the IDs.
The most important part of the profile setting is the
button. Every anchor/presenter/moderator should set his/her reading speed before doing anything else with the system. This information will be used by the system to calculate the duration of a text field in the script, based on every user's reading rate.The way how you set your reading speed is:
Click the
If the language of your TV station is other than English, delete the default text and paste some random text in the text field. It should be some text in your language, copied from any source – Wires, the Internet, a local folder on your PC, etc.
Click the
button and read the whole text as if you were on air – read loudly, articulate, make sure that nobody is disturbing you.Click
when finishedRepeat steps 3. and 4.
Repeat steps 3. and 4.
After you have read the text 3 times, the
button will be activated. If you are happy with the result, you can click on (it will save it) or to start it all over or if you would like to do it later.You can try and set/reset your reading speed anytime. You can see the comparison with the default reading speed in the bottom of the window.
The font size of the static text (field labels, tab labels, column labels and headers, button labels).
The font size of the text in the list.
The font size of the text in the toolbars.
The font size of the text in the popup windows
The font size of the text in the menu.
The font size of the text in the widgets.
Enabled or disable the vertical lines in the list
You can specify colour of the vertical lines
You do not have to click the Apply to apply the filter conditions.
You can show/hide the most used links created by the system. The system determines in which parts of the system is the particular user works the most and creates automatically its bookmarks.
You can show/hide the bookmarks. Every user can create its own bookmarks. Just drag & drop the tab over the left upper corner.
You can show/hide the desktop action buttons (Split vertically, Split horizontally, Split current vertically, Split current horizontally, Manage saved desktops, Select tab..., Merge all splits, Expand split to fullscreen, Undo close tab, Close split)
You can show/hide the Big clock
The results can be displayed in new tab or in new separate window
You can configure the colour of the dividing line between the splits
You can configure the colour of the dividing line between the preview and list
You can configure the width of the dividing line between the splits
You can configure the width of the dividing line between the preview and the list
Configure the default font family
Default size of the font
To turn spell checker ON/OFF
Select from the languages available on your system
Whether Cue In / Out can be added to the element.
Whether or not to be asked if you surely want to detach an asset (or attachment) from the script.
CG dialogue (Ctrl + G) is modal (you can not work outside the CG window) by default. You can make it modeless (you can work outside the CG window) if you want.
How often should the system save the script
How often a script will be updated when in read-only mode.
COMBINED (one column or SIDE BY SIDE (two columns mode)
The text in History tab will not have configured colours for inserted/deleted text if enabled.
While working in the History tab of the Script, you can preview what changes have been made compared to another version you select. These changes will be highlighted with different colours which can be chosen here.
While working in the History tab of the Script, you can preview what changes have been made compared to another version you select. These changes will be highlighted with different colours which can be chosen here.
Left to Right (LTR) or Right to Left (RTL). This orientation can be changed in each text field.
Timeimecode format in the D: field of every element - FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) or SMART (M:SS)
You can choose what the second field in the CG object represents. The first one is IN (when it starts) and the second one can be OUT (when it ends) or DUR (duration)
Timecode format in every CG object - FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) or SMART (M:SS)
You can choose what the second field in the MOS line represents. The first one is CUE IN (when it starts) and the second one can be OUT (when it ends) or DUR (duration)
Timecode format in every MOS object - FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) or SMART (M:SS)
DEFAULT print mode will print scripts in the system default font family and font size
WYSIWYG will print in the font family and font size that you are using on screen
FIXED SIZE allows choosing a font size from the below drop-down list
CUSTOM allows choosing from the below font family and font size drop-down lists
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM is set in Print Mode
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM or FIXED SIZE is set in Print Mode
The same options as PRINT MODE, but these are applied when you choose Print Prompter from the script toolbar – this option prints only the elements that are sent to the prompter.
DEFAULT mode will print scripts in the system default font family and font size
AS_SCRIPT mode will print prompter with the same setting as set in the Print Mode
WYSIWYG will print in the font family and font size that you are using on screen
FIXED SIZE allows choosing a font size from the below drop-down list
CUSTOM allows choosing from the below font family and font size drop-down lists
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM is set in Prompter Print Mode
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM or FIXED SIZE is set in Prompter Print Mode
Client will notify the user in the script editor, with red vertical line at the beginning of the line, that he reached specified amount of characters in one line.
The "Don't count" text will be included in the paragraph line.
Oversized lines are only broken when the User starts editing the script.
Used only with the Arabic languages
Option to create MOS object as a subelement event when there is no ActiveX or HTML5 plugin configured.
Panel with media player/quick time plyer will be visible in the media preview when enabled.
The player starts playing the clip automatically in the media preview when enabled.
Info panel will be visible in the media preview when enabled.
Extended info panel will be visible in the media preview.
Panel with keyframes/thumbnail will be visible in the media preview.
XML panel with all the clip information will be visible in the media preview.
You can choose different print modes as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), FIXED SIZE, CUSTOM, DEFAULT
You can choose the font family. This setting is applied only when CUSTOM is selected in the Print Mode.
You can choose the font size. This setting is applied only when FIXED_SIZE or CUSTOM is selected in the Print Mode.
Every selected wire will be printed on separate page
This is the default value of the duration when you are creating new assignment.
You can choose amount of days (2 Days, 3 Days, 4 Days, 5 Days, 6 Days, 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks, 4 Weeks) for the calendar mode.
You can choose whether new story goes under or above the cursor.
The value in the Hit time (modified when F9 or F11 pressed) column is reseted when the slug is moved.
You can enable the possibility to move the segment lines.
You can enable the possibility to move or delete the Off-air line.
You can change the order of the rundowns in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can choose which parts will be expanded in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can choose which parts will be expanded in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can choose which parts will be expanded in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can hide the values in Duration, Hit time, Cm dur and Backtime columns.
Duration of the rundown in the Off-air line and in the Footer of the rundown can be in SMART (MM:SS - by default) or FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) format.
You can change the direction of the segment. It can be above the Segment line or below. Small arrow before the segment name represents the direction of the segment.
All slugs within one segment are moved together with the segment line.
Align of the text in story type Text
Whether or not the text in story type Text will be wrapped.
Whether the line with the newest set Hit time will be colorised with the ONAIR colour or not.
Whether the cursor jumps to the next slug in the rundown when Set retime (F9 or F11) is used or it stays on the current one.
Import button is not visible when disabled.
There are two modes:
Changes in Planned dur affects the End time only and changes in End time or Start time are affecting each other Planned dur remains unchanged.
Changes in Start time affects the End time onlt and changes in End time or Planned dur are affecting each other - Start time remains unchaged.
Rundown duration calculation (Cm dur, Hit time and Backtime) is calculated based on the Planned duration instead of (real) Duration.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Hit time column.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Jingle story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Break story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Insert story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Segment story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Text story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with Off-air mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with On-air mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with Cued mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with Parked mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Skipped story.
Defines what values are used for the Display Rundown Count-Up and in Display Rundown Countdown that are visible in the Timer.
Start + actual duration
Start + Planned duration
Scheduled start + Planned duration
Whether or not is the Rundown Count-Up visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Rundown Countdown visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Rundown Under/Over Time visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Slug Count-Up visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Slug Countdown visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Slug Under/Over Time visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Stopwatch visible in the Timer.
You can define the background colour of the Timer.
You can define the colour of the labels (Rundown, Slug, Slug, Stopwatch) in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the slug labels (Slug, Slug - only when Start local timer (F10) is used) in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Warning in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Rundown Countdown in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Over time in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Rundown Count-Up time in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Slug Count-Up time in the Timer.
You can define the threshold of the Warning time in the Timer.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Over show.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Under show.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Over slug.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Under slug.
You can define Rundown foreground, Rundown background, Slug foreground and Slug background colours for Under duration.
You can define Rundown foreground, Rundown background, Slug foreground and Slug background colours for Even duration.
You can define Rundown foreground, Rundown background, Slug foreground and Slug background colours for Over duration.
You can specify the flashing mode. If you are watching the rundown and somebody saves the changes in the story.
Nobody will see the flashing in the rundown.
Everybody just you will see the flashing in the rundown.
Everybody will see the flashing in the rundown.
Amount of flashes of the whole slug line
You can configure the interval between the slug line flashes.
You can configure the interval of the flashes in the F column in the rundown. It flashes until you click on it.
You can have up to to 10 split modes with following options: (not used), channel, named, year, year-month, year-week, year-month-week, year-month-day, date and hours, date and hours:minutes, month only, week of year only, week of month only, day of year only, day of month only, day of week only, day of week in month only, hours only, minutes only.
You can specify the interval for the split mode.
Date/time format strings (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm): localized - {LONG}, {MEDIUM}, {SHORT}, {SMART}; year - yy (two digits) or yyyy (full); month - M (one or two digits), MM (zero-leading); week - w/ww (in year), W (in month); day - d/dd (in month), D/DDD (in year); weekday - E/EEEE (short/long name in week); AM/PM marker - a; hours - H/HH (24-hours), h (12-hours); minutes - m/mm.
Font size used when the List is used.
/Whether or not the horizontal lines will be printed when List is used.
/Whether or not the vertical lines will be printed when List is used.
/Whether or not the odd and even rows will be printed with different background colour.
You can configure the colour of the incoming message.
You can configure the colour of the outgoing message.
You can configure the colour of the of user for incoming message.
You can configure the colour of the of user for outgoing message.
A popup window will appear on the screen when incoming message is received.
The popup window with the regular message will disappear after configured amount of seconds.
The popup window with urgent message will disappear after configured amount of seconds.
You can sort the contact list alphabetically.
Contact list will disappear after configured amount of seconds.
IM status Away will be set automatically after configured amount of seconds.
You can choose from Horizontal Split, Vertical Split, Modeless, New Tab and Window.
You can choose from Horizontal Split, Vertical Split, Modeless, New Tab and Window.
Stories without CGs will be visible on the list.
The connection to the CG device will be automatic if only one connection is configured.
You need Java RE (Runtime Environment) 32bit installed on the client computers with Microsoft operating systems, otherwise some features will not work correctly as drag&drop or ActiveX plugins.
Octopus 7 is compatible with Java7 - use latest update - Java7update80 - otherwise, you may experience problems with Java Web Start and other components as well.
Octopus 8 is compatible with Java8
As there is no 32bit Java for MAC operating system you have to install Java JRE 64bit provided by Oracle.
You can find the latest version on Java SE Downloads web page.
Automatic Java updates should be turned off in the Java Control Panel. It can happen that the change is not saved. In that case you have to Run as Administrator following file C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre%version%\bin\javacpl.exe and disable the automatic Java updates.
Go to http://localhost (on the octopus server) or http://octopus or http://%OCTOPUS% where you have to replace %OCTOPUS% by IP address or hostname of the octopus server to run Java Web Start
Click on the
or . This will download the client from the server and install it on the local computer. Java (Java Runtime Environment) 32bit has to be installed on that computer.It can happen that Java Security will not allow the client to start. In that case, you have to lower the Security in the Java Control Panel under the Security tab to Medium or set the Exception Site List for octopus MAIN, BACKUP and CLUSTER name if the local security policy does not allow lowering the Security Level. This has to be done on all client machines.
If the client computer does not have Internet access it is recommended to do the following change in the Advanced tab as well.
Mixed code (sandboxed vs. trusted) security verification - set to Disabled verification
Perform certificate revocation checks on - set to Do not check
This should speed up the client start as Java will not be trying to check the certificates over the Internet.
Client-Server communication can be also significantly slow down by missing/incomplete/wrong DNS records in the local DNS server. To check that DNS is working as required run the following command:
Commands should produce an immediate response with FQDN of the server. And it should work the other way around as well (pass FQDN to nslookup and get IP address equal to the one used for first query).
If there is no DNS server in the network, this can be achieved by adding the proper records into the hosts
file in the operating system, in Windows under c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
It can also happen that you receive Security Warning from Java. You can just check following check boxes:
Log in as “Administrator” with usual password.
You can check the version of all clients as the Administrator if you go to the Administration / Users / Online users. If the Version column is missing you can add it by right click on any column name and choose the Version option from the context menu. You can check the Java version used by a particular user too. Just add the Java column into the Online User form. If you will see some user in the Online Users with the red background colour it means that the user is using an older version of the client and they have to upgrade it.
The user only has to close and open the client again to upgrade the Octopus client.The new version is downloaded from the server automatically.
Clearing Java Cache might be sometimes necessary if you face some problem during the launch of the client. You can do it in the Java Control Panel - Start / Control Panel / Java / General tab / Temporary Internet Files - here you have two options. Click on
and then delete selected applicationsor click on
and then click on , tick all options and press .It is also possible to use javaws command with the following syntax:javaws -uninstall http://%OCTOPUS_SERVER%/client/octopus.jnlp where you have to replace %OCTOPUS_SERVER% by the IP or the hostname from where you have downloaded the client originally. So you can distribute it as a startup script for example.
If the Java cache is clear, the user has to download new client from the server manually usually from the web URL like http://octopus/ see Section 2.2, “Start Octopus Client”.
You can find the client version and the Java version if you click in the left bottom corner of the Octopus Client.
You can check the version of all clients as the Administrator if you go to the Administration / Users / Online users. If the Version column is missing you can add it by right click on any column name and choose the Version option from the context menu. You can check the Java version used by a particular user too. Just add the Java column into the Online User form. If you will see some user in the Online Users with the red background colour it means that the user is using an older version of the client and they have to upgrade it.
Check that you are using correct keyboard layout, check the typos, check that the LDAP server (if used) is available and responsive (try to ping it).
If you are able to write the username and password but you are still not able to connect you should make sure that the firewall is disabled or at least that the SSL (port 443) between the client computer and the server is opened. You can check it by running the command telnet %IP_of_the_octopus_server% 443. If the connection is successful you will be able to write on your keyboard, if not you will get the message about the refused connection. Something is blocking the communication in that case.
If telnet works, but you are still not able to login, you have to check the client logs located in the %USERNAME_HOME%/.octopus/log/%date%/. Here in serverConnection.log, you can see all the connection phases and the messages exchanged between the Octopus client and Octopus Server. You should look for the following line:
2015-06-29 12:15:25.301 70 LogTopic.ServerConn.SERVERCONNECTION DEBUG ServerConnection constructor called {group=O7TESTING:-1969424984@MAIN;;443 SSL [MASTER]} {userName=administrator} {instanceId=1}
It is most important that the IP address is available to the client. You can also experience a problem with the slow response of the client (Please wait ... messages) if you do not have properly working DNS or if you are missing the records in host file if no DNS is used. The records in the host file should look like this:
%octopus_server_hostname% %IP_of_the_octopus_server%
You have to be able to ping the hostname of the octopus server. ping %octopus_server_hostname%. You need to get the response.
C:\Users\octopus>ping o7testing
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
You also have to get the proper response from the DNS server when launching the nslookup request
Default Server:
This is applied to the special fonts used by some customers. The solution is to add the fonts into the fallback folder on the server and on the client side as well. The fallback folder has to be created under <JRE_INSTALL_DIR>/lib/fonts/ and copy the fonts inside on the client side and <JDK_INSTALL_DIR>/jre/lib/fonts/. You have to restart the octopus server service if applied on the server or you have to restart the client when applied on the client PC. You can find more information in Setting up a fallback font Blog.
Spell-check dictionaries can be set in the .oxt
file, it has to be .oxt
file signed by our certificate wrapped in .jar file. Please contact Octopus Support to get the dictionaries.
It happens when a client is run with JRE 7 64 bit. Make sure Java on client meets the specification in Section 2.1, “Java” section of this document.
Since version 8.0 it is not possible to launch the client in 64bit JRE.
The GUI has to be translated in the first place. Customer has to translate the strings in the following file This file can be provided by Octopus Support. If the translation has been already done you can skip to the 4th point.
Send the translated file to [email protected]. Support Engineers will pass it to the developers. They will build it in the system.
The minor upgrade is necessary once new build is made.
Login with the client and open Administration / System Setup and unlock the option Client locale override (click on the small rectangle next to the item) and click . This will give the rights to the users to change the locale in their user profile. If you want to change the locale globally (to all users) you can just change it here and press . The users have to restart the octopus client in that case.
Every user can open the user profile - right click on the username in the right bottom corner and select User Profile from the context menu.
Set the Client locale override and press OK. Once you open a new tab it will be in the desired language.
Two users which are members of the group with Administrator role in octopus can connect even when the license limit is exceeded. By other words, if you have 10 licenses and 10 connected users, 2 additional administrators can connect to the server.
Octopus services are not counted into the user's licenses, they do not consume the user's licenses.
You can always see the number of free licenses in the middle bottom part of the client, next to the connection status indicator and cluster name - the number in round brackets says how many users can still connect.
The administrator can see the connected users under Administration / Users / Online users in the menu and can disconnect the particular user.
No, the licenses are floating licenses per user connections.
No, the same user can login as many times as necessary from an unlimited number of computers. Multiple instances of the client with the same credentials can be run even on the single computer.
Octopus client has built in problem reporting tool. You may use it to report any kind of trouble with the application.
If you want to submit report form press the button with exclamation mark in triangle
or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F12. This will bring up the Problem report form where you can describe the problem. Once submitted, compressed client logs, screenshot and your description of the problem is uploaded to Octopus server to octopus\server\data\%currentYear%\%currentMonth%\%currentDay%\ directory. Notify administrator about the report.
If it is not possible to send the client logs for any reason you can find them under the particular directory:
The location of the client logs can be configured by the administrator. They are stored by default in the hidden folder in the user profile folder.
On Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\.octopus\log\%date%\
On Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 - C:\Users\%username%\.octopus\log\%date%\
On MAC OSX - /Users/%username%/.octopus/log/%date%/
You can enable Logging of Java in the Java Control Panel under the Advanced tab. There are three options:
Enable tracing
Enable logging
Show applet lifecycle exceptions
You can find these logs under c:\Users\%homepath\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\log\ on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 and on MAC under ~/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/security/ (~ can be replaced by $home).
can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer on MAC?Due to security preferences set on some MACs, it is not possible to launch any other app then the one downloaded from App Store.
This security preferences can be changed:
Open System Preferences and click on :
Unlock it the setting:
Change setting in the Allow apps downloaded from: part to Anywhere:
In case that the Anywhere is not visible there you have to open the Terminal app and then enter the following command syntax: sudo spctl --master-disable. It will become available once you relaunch the Security & Privacy.
That's it. You can lock the setting again and close the window.
Due to Java security and Java policy in Java8 and Java7update51+ to not allow to start applications signed by expired certificate it might happen, that Octopus Client is blocked. The certificate is checked when Octopus client is started, so running Octopus clients can normally operate. They will be affected during next launch. Certificate expiration timestamp is checked against local time of the client computer.
Be aware that it is necessary to upgrade Java7 to latest version - Java7update80 - otherwise you may suffer by few bugs in JavaWebStart (javaws) in previous versions, which is responsible for certificate authentication.
In this case you have to uninstall old Java7, install Java7update80 and clear Java Cache - see Section 2.3, “Client Upgrade”
This can be fixed by adding Octopus Server IP or Hostname to the Exception Site list on all client machines per machine or per user. There are three options:
Find Configuration Java on the client machine, search for it in the start menu:
or find Java in Control Panel:
Switch to the Security tab and click on button and then button:
Write IP of the Octopus Server or the hostname, depends on what do you use to launch the client. Keep in mind to write cluster IP or cluster hostname if you use that address to launch the client and hit Enter. If you do not know what to write there ask your local IT administrators. They should provide you the necessary information.
and then button and then you can close the window.When exceptions are in place, you will be asked by the client only during next launch if you accept the risk. Just check the checkbox and hit
button:This setting can be set by every single user, by administrators through Apple Remote Desktop or deployed with JAMF utility.
Open System Preferences and open Java:
Go to the Security tab and click on in the Exception Site List part:
Click on
. Click in the empty line and write the URL with hostname or IP of the Octopus Server, it depends what do you use to where do you download client from, for example http://octopus. It can contain multiple records, so you can add multiple exceptions with multiple hostnames or IPs. Click to save exceptions.Click on
on the Security Warning Dialogue.Click
if you are done with the exceptions:When exceptions are in place, you will be asked by the client only during next launch if you accept the risk. Just check the checkbox I accept the risk and want to run this application, click on More Option and check the checkbox Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above and hit button:
List of the exceptions can be distributed to all users by local IT Administrators. The file is called exception.sites
and it is located in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\Security\ in Windows 10 (this path might differ in older Windows or other Operating Systems - for example on MAC 10.11.6 it is ~/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/security/ (~ can be replaced by $home).
The advantage is that the users can still modify it in the GUI of Java Control Panel, the disadvantage is that it is applied only to the particular user logged on the computer.
Content of that file is simple list of all IPs and hostnames (one record per line divided by
) that are in Exception Site List:
There is one file needed:
- file containing the URL exceptions
Create a batch file copyfiles.cmd
(name of the file can be anything) with following content:
copy exception.sites %homepath%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\ /Y
The exception.sites
file is a list of URLs - one per line
where the hostnames are cluster hostname, MAIN server hostname and BACKUP server hostname and their IPs.
Run the copyfiles.cmd
and it will copy the file and add the exceptions to Java Security.
When exceptions are in place, you will be asked by the client only during next launch if you accept the risk. Just check the checkbox and hit
button:You can find more information about Exception Site List on Oracle's Exception Site List page and more information about deployment on Oracle's Deployment and Configuration Files page.
Normally the exception.sites
file is per user. It might be quite complicated to add all these exceptions for every user on the same PC. It is possible to deploy site exceptions to everyone, to have it system wide/for all users on the client computer.
The advantage is that this exception is valid per computer, the disadvantage is that users can not modify it from the GUI of Java Control Panel anymore as this system wide setting has higher priority.
There are 3 files needed:
- Java system level configuration file
- Java deployment properties
- file containing the URL exceptions
All three of these files will be in C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\Deployment\ folder.
Create a batch file copyfiles.cmd
(name of the file can be anything) with following content:
mkdir %SystemRoot%\Sun\Java\Deployment
copy deployment.config %SystemRoot%\Sun\Java\Deployment\ /Y
copy %SystemRoot%\Sun\Java\Deployment\ /Y
copy exception.sites %SystemRoot%\Sun\Java\Deployment\ /Y
The deployment.config
file content looks like this:
It points to the location of the
file content looks like this:\:/WINDOWS/Sun/Java/Deployment/exception.sites
It contains several deployment options including the location of the exception.sites
file and security level.
The exception.sites
file is a list of URLs - one per line
where the hostnames are cluster hostname, MAIN server hostname and BACKUP server hostname and their IPs.
Run the copyfiles.cmd
and it will copy all files and add the exceptions to Java Security.
When exceptions are in place, you will be asked by the client only during next launch if you accept the risk. Just check the checkbox and hit
button:You can find more information about Exception Site List on Oracle's Exception Site List page and more information about deployment on Oracle's Deployment and Configuration Files page.
Here you can find some common user interface features you may know from other applications like drag and drop and also features that are used everywhere in OCTOPUS.
The OCTOPUS menu is on the left-hand side of the screen, you will see a list of the folders that are available on the system.
On most systems you will see these essential areas:
Assignment Desk
Pools/Story Folders
Clicking on each folder or subfolder will display its contents in the selected working area (known as a split). The top level folders are a darker blue, they may contain additional subfolders, clicking on a top level folder will reveal any subfolders or if there are none the contents of this folder will be displayed in the active split.
The folders available to each user are dependant on user rights. Therefore, you may see a different menu to your colleagues. That means that you have been granted or denied access to different folders in the OCTOPUS menu.
At the top left of the main menu, you will see a small square, clicking on this square will hide the menu. This option allows you to have more space for the main working area of OCTOPUS. When the menu is hidden, just click the small square on the top of the menu bar to display the menu.
Each section has a toolbar including buttons for file actions such as New, Edit, Move, Copy or Delete.
To execute some of the actions you need to have at least one row selected from the list.
Some of the buttons also have submenus containing more actions, these can be seen by clicking on the
on the right side of the button.It is possible to change the look of the toolbar by Text Only, Text Under an Icon, Text After an Icon or Icon Only.
any toolbar button and choosing from the available views:If there are more buttons than can fit the screen (usually when the screen is split horizontally) an
will appear on the right of the toolbar. By clicking on this arrow the additional options will be displayed. If a button is grayed out, the option is unavailable. Toolbar actions can also be accessed from context menus that appear after right clicking one of the items in the list.Almost every action and button in OCTOPUS has a keyboard shortcut. Keyboard shortcuts for toolbar buttons can be seen by hovering the mouse pointer over the particular button.
A full list of keyboard shortcuts can be found and changed in Shortcut manager. The Shortcut Manager can be opened by right-clicking on the username at the bottom of the screen and choosing Setup keyboard shortcuts.
There are few lists of shortcuts available in the shortcut manager. Media, Main Menu, Assignment, Desktop, Story, Rundown, Script, Calendar and General.
To change one of the shortcuts, select the action/shortcut in the list and then left click on box below that displays the current shortcut key combination for this action, now click the Remove button which will delete the current shortcut key combination. Next, click on the pink row at the bottom of this section with the message Focus here and press the key combination to create the shortcut, and press the desired key combination and then press Enter or . Follow this procedure for each shortcut that needs to be changed and then click on the toolbar. Few common default shortcuts can be found in following tables (the full list is available in Shortcut Manager):
Table 3.1. Common List Shortcuts
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+E | Edit selected item |
Ctrl+N | Create New item |
Ctrl+M | Move the selected item |
Ctrl+C | Copy the selected items to another location |
Alt+H | Open Horizontal Preview |
Alt+V | Open Vertical Preview |
Ctrl+P |
Table 3.2. Common Editing Shortcuts
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+A | Select All |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
Ctrl+C | Copy |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Ctrl+B | Bold formatting |
Ctrl+I | Italic Formatting |
Ctrl+U | Underline text |
Escape | Cancel or Close |
Ctrl+S | Save and Close |
System administrators have the ability to change shortcuts for all users, please ask them for help if necessary.
As a user with administrator role, you can see
button in the right bottom of the Shortcut Manager. When you click on it you get red borders around the Shortcut Manager, then you will see checkbox in the left bottom part of the Shortcut Manager. If you want to enforce some shortcut to all users do not forget to check box otherwise the setting will not be enforced to all users. Of course, do not forget to click on to apply changes as well.To select items from the list users can left click with the mouse or use the up and down arrow keys. More than one item can be selected by holding the Ctrl or Shift keys and clicking. Using the Ctrl button you can multi-select random items, holding the Shift key allows selection of a block of items. To select all items in a list, press Ctrl+a.
It is possible to have multiple folders open within one split of the main working area. To open a folder as a new tab hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard and left-click the desired folder from the main menu or use middle/wheel mouse button. Click on the tab header to switch between the tabs. To close a tab, click on the on the right of the tab header.
To reopen previously closed tabs, users can click on the Undo close tab button (Icon with Orange and Green arrows) on the Desktop Actions toolbar. Clicking on the blue triangle icon on the same toolbar will display a list of open tabs in all splits; you can select any tab from here and it will become the active tab.
It is also possible to split the screen into multiple working areas. When you split the screen each split can contain different folders and multiple tabs, so, for example, you can be editing a story in one split, have the rundown open in another and be browsing multiple tabbed wire folders in the third.
There are four buttons on the Desktop Actions toolbar for splitting the screen. The first white icon with the vertical line down the middle can be used to split the entire working area vertically. The second white icon with the horizontal line through the middle can be used to splitting entire working area horizontally. There are two more gray buttons on this toolbar which can be used for splitting the current split either horizontally or vertically, this allows the user to create any number of split windows within the main working area.
The X icon on this toolbar closes the current split. There is also an option to merge all splits into one and keep all the folders open as tabs, this can be achieved by clicking on the merge all split button (the icon looks like several folders on top of each other).
In Addition to the Desktop Actions toolbar, the following options related to each split are available by right clicking on the tab header: Reopen, Split Current horizontally, Split Current Vertically, Close this tab, Close all but this tab, Close Split.
Another way of creating new splits is to
on a tab header and then drag it to any edge of the working area, you will see a blue or green highlight when it is possible to drop this tab and create a new split. The green highlight will split the current split and the blue highlight will create a full horizontal or vertical split.When you close the OCTOPUS client your current layout will be saved; this layout will be restored automatically when the client is next opened.
It is also possible to save the screen layout which will save all open splits and tabs.
This can be achieved by clicking on the blue icon on the top right of the Tabs and Splits toolbar and then choosing or . Once you have saved the desktop layout you will see the new layout available in the desktop layout bar on the right of the screen, just click on the name of the layout to reopen the saved layout.
The following layout options will be retained when the OCTOPUS Client is next started:
Menu expansion
Forms (chosen columns, size of columns)
In any list view, it is possible to modify the form by adding/removing columns and by resizing or moving the columns.
clicking on one of the column headers will display a list of all of the available columns. Columns that are part of the form already will show in this list with a tick mark on the left, choosing one of these will remove the column from the form. You can also remove a column from the form by clicking the column header and choosing Remove Column 'name of the column.' To move a column within the form, just click on the column header and drag and drop the column to the new location. Resizing columns can also be achieved by drag and drop, hover the mouse between two column headers and you will see the mouse pointer change to a double headed arrow, then click and drag and drop to resize the column on the left. There is an option available on the form menu to toggle form protection, apply this to the form if you plan to temporarily modify the form, but don't want the changes to be saved for next time you use the form.In addition to OCTOPUS automatically saving list forms, it is possible to create saved forms. Just configure the form as described above and then choose the option to
from the menu. You will be prompted to name your saved form; after clicking your saved form will then be available to be chosen from the menu. To delete a saved form, you must first select the form and then choose from the form menu .Items can be drag and dropped from one screen to another to perform specific actions. For example, a story can be dragged from a story folder in one split and dropped into a rundown in another. The order of slugs in a rundown can be easily modified with drag and drop as well. To drag and drop a single item, just Shift button down and then clicking with the mouse or pressing the Ctrl button and clicking non-sequential items from the list.
click on the item and hold the button down until you have moved the mouse to the drop location and then release the . To drag and drop multiple items you can either select a block of items by holding the
When you drag and drop a story in Octopus, by default it will copy the story to the new location (the default drag and drop behaviour can be changed to move by system administrators).
Drag and Drop with the Shift key pressed will move the item to its target, Ctrl pressed while dragging will copy the item, Ctrl and Shift pressed simultaneously assigns the item to another folder. The mouse pointer will also help you to recognize the type of an action that will be performed:
To sort a list according to one of the fields there you can
click the column header. When you click again, sort order will be opposite. You will see a small up or down arrow in the column header indicating that the list has been sorted by this column and whether the search is ascending or descending.Quick is available in all item lists. Just start typing
the while the focus is on one list item and all matching words from the list will be highlighted and the first match will be selected. You will also see that Quick Search entry box has appeared just below the tool-bar, here you can see the current quick search text and just click on the button to see the next matching item.
Quick search searches only in titles, not in the content of the stories for example.
You can easily add favourite folders to the favourites list by
clicking on the tab header and dragging this to the favourites area on the top left of the screen. To return to the folder later, click on the newly created favourite button and the folder will open in a new tab in the current split.The six buttons on the top right of the screen with blue labels are the six folders most frequently used by the current user. These are calculated by OCTOPUS according to which folders the user accesses the most. Clicking on one of these buttons will open the folder in a new tab in the active split.
The messaging system is an essential way for everyone in the newsroom to communicate. It’s a good idea to get accustomed to using it efficiently. The messaging contact list can be accessed by left clicking on the username with the light bulb icon at the bottom right of the OCTOPUS screen; right clicking on the same username and light bulb icon will display a context menu with options including Send Message, Start Chat, Status, and Config. As you will see from the messaging on-line status screen-shot below, the yellow light bulb indicates that a user is on-line and the white light bulb indicates off-line status. Other options available include Away, Do Not Disturb and Not Available. Users must both have added each other as contacts before they can see each others status, otherwise their status will be blank.
To add a new contact click on the menu button in the contact list window. There are two options for managing contacts, Add User and Remove User. When adding a user, you should be able to just type the first two or three letters of the user's name and then choose the contact from a drop-down list and click OK. Choosing remove user will remove the selected user from your contacts list.
From the contact list window, right click on a contact name or group name and choose to Send Message. You can add more message recipients for this message by either typing the start of their username into the top text entry box and then clicking on the matching user, or by clicking on the '…' button and making a selection from this multi-select list. Then just type the message into the lower text entry box (maximum 255 characters) and click the Send button. Optionally you can click the Urgent Message checkbox if this should be sent as an urgent message, or if you have the OCTOPUS SMS module available it is possible to click the Send as SMS checkbox to have the message forwarded to the users mobile via SMS. You can add the recipients to your contacts list by ticking the Add to Contacts tickbox.
Instant messages are received in the system widget/notification area, this is the black (by default) area at the top of the screen (for more details on Notifications see page 29 in the Wires, RSS, Mail chapter). When the message first arrives it will flash in the notification area.
When the flashing stops you will see the messages listed in this area in the order of arrival. You can reply by right clicking on the message and choosing reply, double clicking will also open the send message dialogue.
Agency wire messages and messages from RSS feeds can be sent to other users via messaging; this can be done by clicking on the Send button on the wire folder toolbar while the wire message is selected in the list. The recipient can double-click on the wire message in their system widget and this will open the wire message in a new tab. Wire messages can also be sent by dragging from the Wires list onto a contact name in the Contacts list.
Start a chat by right click on a user or group in your contacts list and choose Start Chat from the menu. This will open a new chat window. The chat section in Octopus has three parts, the lower section is for typing the messages. The top right area displays a list of the users that have been invited to the chat. The upper left part of the chat shows all messages sent and received including the username of sender and time sent next to each message.
When the first message is typed and sent a chat invitation is sent to the users that are part of the chat. The chat invitation arrives in the notification area/widget in the same way as an instant message. The recipient can double-click on the chat invitation to accept and this will open the chat window. Right clicking will display all available options including Chat and Dismiss Message.
Right clicking on a group in the contacts window will display a menu with two options; Send Message and Start Chat. Send message sends an instant message to all users in the group, Start chat sends an invitation to join a chat to all users in the group and opens a chat section with group members added. To expand or hide the contents of user groups in your contacts list, double click on the group name in the contact list. User rights groups can be configured by your administrators to be displayed as messaging groups as well so you may see these available for selection in your contacts list. You can also create messaging groups yourself, this option should be available in the main menu under My Octopus/User Groups. In this section, you can click the New button to create a new user group, type the name for your group into the Name field. You can choose whether you want other users to see/modify the group by choosing the Access, the options are Private (only you can see the group), Public Read-Only (Other users can see the group) or Publicly Modifiable (other users can make changes to the group). The Owner field allows administrators to change who can modify a Public Read Only group, typically you can leave this as your own user account which is the default. Adding members to the group can be done by typing a few letters from the user's name into the Members field and then choosing from the available matches.
To access messaging set-up options click on the Contact list Menu and choose Config.
You can configure the colour of the incoming message.
You can configure the colour of the outgoing message.
You can configure the colour of the of user for incoming message.
You can configure the colour of the of user for outgoing message.
A popup window will appear on the screen when incoming message is received.
The popup window with the regular message will disappear after configured amount of seconds.
The popup window with urgent message will disappear after configured amount of seconds.
You can sort the contact list alphabetically.
Contact list will disappear after configured amount of seconds.
IM status Away will be set automatically after configured amount of seconds.
You can choose from Horizontal Split, Vertical Split, Modeless, New Tab and Window.
You can choose from Horizontal Split, Vertical Split, Modeless, New Tab and Window.
All messages from wire agencies are located under the WIRES option on the main menu. Wires are automatically filtered into folders according to their source agency, topic, priority or category. This folder structure can be customised by your administrator. Attachments sent by the agencies such as JPEG files can also be received and displayed in OCTOPUS. In addition to wires from the agencies, RSS messages and incoming emails can be received and shown in OCTOPUS. These sources of information are presented in OCTOPUS like wires.
To view the contents of a folder, click on the appropriate item on the menu. After doing so, a list of items will be displayed with the newest one at the top. There’s no need to manually refresh the list, newly arriving messages will be added to the top automatically. To read the body of the wire message, just double click on the item and the message body text will be displayed in the current tab. To return to the list, click the Close button on the toolbar. To browse other items without returning to the list, click on the Next or Previous buttons on the toolbar while viewing the wire message. There is also a wire preview mode, this allows you to view the list of items at the same time as viewing the body text of the selected wire message. There are two types of preview mode, horizontal or vertical, allowing you to choose whether to position the wire preview either below or to the right of the wire list. Another option is the extended mode, this allows a configurable number of lines of the wire body text to be displayed in the list. Wires with attachments will have a paper clip icon in the Attachments column, right clicking on this icon will give options for opening or saving the attachment outside of OCTOPUS. Attachments such as JPEG files can be viewed in a normal wire message window in OCTOPUS as well, when a wire with an attachment is open or previewed there will be an attachments bar at the bottom of the message which will give options for opening or saving the file also.
In OCTOPUS you can comment on wire messages just like articles on the Internet portals. As most wire messages from agencies should be configured as Read-Only, this is a useful way for users to update the wire with additional information. Just click the Comment toolbar button and the comment dialogue window will open. If you want to comment a wire message, just type your comments and click OK. Previously added comments can be seen in the comments section of wire messages, which is displayed on the right of the wire message body. Additional options available in the wire comments section allow editing or removal of comments; by selecting the comment and clicking on the Edit or Remove buttons. Adding, editing or removal of wire comments is based on user rights defined by the administrator.
Wire messages of particular significance can be highlighted in configurable colours. For example FLASH wire messages, possibly those defined as a priority 1 or 2 by the news agency can be highlighted red in the list of wire messages. Any number of highlight colours can be defined by the administrator based on wire rules according to the priority, source, subject, keywords, category or subcategory. If you think that a wire message should be coloured and it is not, you can do so by clicking Set Colour button on the toolbar, or by right clicking on the wire in the list and choosing Set Colour from the context menu. The option to set colour can be restricted by user rights, as these highlight colours are seen by all users of the system once applied.
RSS feeds are links to Internet articles, which are automatically downloaded to OCTOPUS wire folders. It is possible to extract all text from the RSS page and display this in OCTOPUS or if preferred just a short description can be displayed with the option to follow a link to the source of the RSS feed. There are several ways to go to the source of the RSS feed; clicking on the More button in the toolbar, double clicking on the globe icon in the links column of the list, or if the item is open or previewed there will be a globe icon in the Links bar below the message text. Options available for wires are available for RSS feeds as well, such as commenting and setting the colour.
If you want to alert somebody else about wire message or RSS feed you can send the item via OCTOPUS messaging. After selecting the wire message in the list, you can click on the Send button on the toolbar, or right click on the message and choose Send from the context menu. This will open the send message pop-up window and the wire can be sent as described in the messaging section of this guide. Wires and RSS items can also be sent by drag and drop onto a contact in the messaging contacts list.
When you find a wire or RSS that is a useful source of information for a story, select it in a list and click on the Attach button or right click on the item in the list and choose Attach from the context menu. This will attach the item to the story; the item will now be available in the assets section of the story.
To view story assets, just click the Assets button from the story toolbar. The assets section will open on the right of the story; you will see a list of the assets and selecting one of these will display its content just below the list in the asset section. Double clicking on the asset will open the wire/RSS in a new tab. You can easily select and drag and drop a block of text from the asset into the body of the script. The wire remains attached to the story until it is removed from OCTOPUS, so therefore you have all the source data available even for archived stories. You can use Quick Search to find stories in the Attach dialogue; it is also possible to filter the stories to show only those from Today, Yesterday or This Week. If there is more than one story with the same name, you can click in the '#' column for that story and this will display where the story is located in OCTOPUS.
Administrators can set up folders for you to create internal wires, user rights would be configured to allow creation and modification of wires within this folder. This is the place where your correspondents and external reporters can place their stories.
Click the New button on the internal wires folder toolbar to add a new wire. Fill in the name in the Title field. The title should be descriptive, but brief; this is the first thing that all others will see when they browse the wire. The following fields are optional, but should be used if you have configured filtering rules based on these fields – priority, category, subcategory, and keywords. The source will be filled automatically with your login name when you save the wire. The body of the wire can be entered in the area below, there are many formatting options available from the formatting toolbar or context menu; right to left, text colour, text size, bold, italic and underline. It is also possible to attach a file such as PDF or JPEG to the wire, this would then be available for viewing in OCTOPUS.
This allows you to set up rules to notify you when a new wire story matching your search criteria arrives. This is also called forward search. The New Notification Rule button on the wires toolbar allows creation of a new rule. Enter a name for the new rule into the name field of the Rule Editor window, enter the search terms into the Query section; the operators AND, OR and NOT can be used and regular brackets. Tick the boxes for Title, Keywords and Text for each of the fields that should be searched. In the folders section you can choose which wire folders the rule should be applied to, either tick the Apply to all folders box at the top, or select folders from the list below. The options section allows you to Store wires in a folder, or to allow others to use or modify the rule. To be alerted when new matches to your search arrive, you will need to either create a new widget or add the rule to an existing widget. To modify a notification rule, locate to the Notification Rules menu option, your rule should be listed here, highlight the rule and click on the Edit toolbar button.
Widgets display the results of notification rules. To create a new widget you can tick the option to Create a new widget for this rule when creating a notification rule or you can right click anywhere in the widget section (next to messaging at the bottom right corner of the screen - the number or the asterisk sign) or on an expanded widget and choose .
To configure a widget, right click on the widget in the widget area at the bottom of the screen or on the expanded widget and choose Name field at the top. Choose a colour scheme by clicking on the coloured squares in the colour scheme section and choosing colours from the palettes; the two squares at the top are the foreground (text) colour and background colour respectively for normal wires, the squares on the second row allow selection of the foreground (text) colour and background colour for urgent wires.
from the context menu. Enter the name of the widget into theThe settings under Basic tab allows users to choose:
there are three options – One line, Ticker and Multiline with Number of widget lines setting available.
allows the user to see the read messages otherwise, they will disappear from the widget when disabled.
means that new messages will flash/blink in the expanded widget on arrival, when multiple new messages arrive at the same time they will be queued.
will right align messages or scroll from right to left according to the type of scrolling that is set.
how long the widget will blink/flash for when a new notification arrives.
how fast the widget will blink/flash for when a new notification arrives
sets a time threshold for bringing the rotation back to the first wire in the rotation (between 1 second to 30 minutes).
sets a limit (10 to 1000) on how many wires can be in rotation
sets a limit on how many days (1 to 14 days) can wire be in rotation
The settings under Sources tab allows users to decide which types of notification will appear in the selected widget. There are following options:
All messages sent by users
All messages about changes in assignments
All messages related to digital posts
Messages from subscribed notification rules
All messages about urgent wires sent to all the users
All messages related to twitter trends subscription
All messages related to your digital accounts being mentioned by other people in their posts
All messages about other people replying to your posts and/or comments
All messages about other people editing and/or linking stuff in Topics
Messages about replication of data between Octopus sites
The settings under Sound tab allows users to choose a sound to alert you when a new wire/urgent wire or user-to-user message arrives.
The settings under Offline tab allows users to decide whether they want to receive offline notification via Email (available only when SMTP server is configured by the local administrators) or SMS (available only when SMSAgent is configured and GSM module connected to the server - ask your local administrators).
On the right-hand section of the widget, you will see the applied notification rules; all public rules and rules that you have created should be available to be ticked/unticked.
The Octopus client icon in the taskbar contains a badge with the number. This is a number of urgent unread messages across all widgets.
To read a message that is in the current widget rotation just click on it when it is displayed in the expanded widget, or click on the orange down arrow which will show a drop-down list of all the wires in the rotation and then click the message, this will open the wire in a new tab. Right clicking on the widget in hidden or expanded mode will display a context menu which includes in addition to configuration and creation of widgets; options to Delete Widget, Hide widget (widget will not be displayed in the expanded mode), Read All Alerts (Mark all alerts as read), Delete All Read Alerts and Delete All Alerts. In expanded mode, you will have Mark As Read as an additional option which applies to the wire that you clicked.
You can create new wire - you can fill in the Title, Priority, Category, Source, Subcategory, Keywords and Tags.
You can edit selected wire and modify all it's fields.
You can delete selected wire. You can select multiple wires with Ctrl or Shift and left mouse click.
You can enable Horizontal or Vertical preview of selected wire.
You can move the selected wire/s to the different wire folder. The user has to have the rights to Delete in the current folder and Create in the destination folder.
You can move the selected wire/s to the different wire folder. The user has to have the rights to Create in the destination folder.
You can mark the wire/s as favourite. You can do it also by clicking on the Star sign in the Favourite column of the particular wire. Favourite wires across all wire folders are listed in the as well as in folder.
You can attach the selected wire/s to the particular story. Such wire/s will be listed between the assets of the particular story. In the Attach dialogue, you can use the filter as well as the Fulltext search and Quick search.
You can send the wire/s to your colleague/s via the Octopus messaging.
Subscribed wire folder/s are synchronized with the Octopus mobile/tablet application.
You can open the URL attached to the wire.
You can set different colour to the wire/s. Changes in the colours are visible to all users.
You can create a comment in the selected wire. Comment sign then visible in the Comment column.
You can create notification rule for the current folder.
You can send the selected wire/s to the printer.
See the Section 5.13, “Wires Config”.
You can choose different print modes as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), FIXED SIZE, CUSTOM, DEFAULT
You can choose the font family. This setting is applied only when CUSTOM is selected in the Print Mode.
You can choose the font size. This setting is applied only when FIXED_SIZE or CUSTOM is selected in the Print Mode.
Every selected wire will be printed on separate page
The main working area for everybody is either the Story Folders and/or the Rundowns.
Stories are usually organized in subfolders and each user has different access according to user rights.
The quantity, name, nature, and location of folders depend on your workflow and your Octopus administrator can modify this. Whenever there is a need for an extra folder, ask the administrator for help.
Usually, the main working folders are Assignment desk (that can be split to Today, Future and other folders) to compile information on everyday news coverage and Story Pools (for example for News, Sport, Business etc.) for all the actual stories the rundowns can be build from. These folders require similar information on every story.
button in the story folder toolbar and fill out the following details:the slug title of the story, two or a maximum of three words, which accurately describe the story, e.g. DHAKA FLOODS.
how long will the story be? This includes all story elements. For example, ST/VO story scheduled duration is a count of both times: STUDIO intro and VOICE OVER. This planned duration is not limiting users in any way, however, if it's set, reporters should try to prepare the scripts as close to this duration as possible.
select from predefined story templates. Is it anchor INTRO, VO or PACKAGE? If you are missing the template here, ask your administrator to add it.
the dates determine which date the story will be assigned from/to.
check this field if the video material is not yet recorded.
you can select the name(s) from the list (by clicking on (...) to show who is reporting and shooting any story. This is essential for Assignment desk for creating stories as by selecting reporter(s) here you assign access to it. Also selected reporter will have the story in his MY STORIES folder automatically. You can select more reporters by holding the CTRL button while clicking on the names.
There can be more fields in Story Properties dialogue that have special meaning for your organization. These fields will be displayed in the Custom fields block in the bottom part of the dialogue window.
Everyone should get into the habit of clicking one of the Description tabs in the Story properties dialogue to fill in additional information about the story. It’s where reporters give Producers additional information about the story, the visuals that will be gathered, the SOTs, whether PTC is planned and if so, where; plus the details about whatever GFX or FILE PIX that will be needed.
In certain environments, one description field is not sufficient to cover the workflow needs. Let's say you'd like to keep the technical description of the story separated from the editor's ideas of story content. The system administrator can define multiple description fields, which will be shown as separate tabs in the story properties dialogue window as well. Also, multiple templates can be defined for all descriptions. This way there can be pieces of text pre-entered upon creation of the story. Templates for descriptions are defined by the system administrator.
For cases where separate planning department takes care of newsgathering/ planning, administrators can disable scripting for certain containers. When a container is set up like this, double-clicking a slugline will open the story properties to allow details to be added to any of the available Description Tabs. When the story is later moved or linked to a scripting container or a rundown, the script side of the story can be accessed and of course, all the details added to the Description tabs are available for reference by clicking the EDIT button on the story folder/rundown toolbar.
There is a number of operations what you can do in the story folders. These options can be found in the toolbar on the top of the page.
to create a new story.
to edit the basic information of a story – such as a title, planned duration, reporters assigned, etc. This is NOT for editing the script.
to open the script – main body of the story. It is the same operation as if you double-click on the name of the story slug.
horizontal preview of the script.
vertical preview.
to delete a story from the folder. The story will be removed and moved to the Trash folder.
under this menu option you have a few operations. These operations will be used when you will want to use some of the stories from the folders in your rundown. Operations include:
Move story – to move a story to a different place – it could be another folder or to a rundown. Story will be removed from the current location.
Copy story – after copying the story to a different location it will remain in the current folder and will appear in the new location(s) as well. Both versions will have DIFFERENT IDs!
Assign story – Similar to copy, however, in this case, both versions will be linked together. It means, if you make a change to the story in Folder1, the copy in Folder2 will be changed as well. Both versions will have the SAME ID. The assigned story is indicated by the ! and the number in the # column (Number of links). If you double click on it, you will get Story location dialogue where you can find all the locations of the selected story - the button is the same function. If there is just ! it means that the story is assigned just in two folders. 3! indicates that the story is assigned to three locations (in two story folders and in one rundown) like on the picture below.
Replace - opposite of Assign - it breaks the link between the selected story and the rest of the linked stories. The selected story becomes independent.
Archive story – story will be removed from the current location and moved to the Archive folder. After clicking on the Archive button, you will be asked to confirm this action.
Commit story - this action is used when the story was already broadcasted and recorded. You can commit a clip to the story, it means that the clips will be played instead of the live broadcasting. Commit action is available only when the Using production requirement is enabled in the Administration / System Setup / Story tab and the user has MOS Operator rights.
you might have a MOS button in your folder as well; under this option, you can activate the container for a selected MOS device.
You can print the List, the Script, Prompter, Custom (List) and Custom Script.
Plain-text or scripting containers can be also configured to act like a diary. Stories in the diary should carry information about their scheduled dates in order to fully utilize diary options.
To schedule a story, simply fill in FROM and TO dates in NEW STORY dialogue window. If a story should be only scheduled for one day, enter FROM date only.
A calendar folder has a simple calendar field right under the toolbar.
Fill in a date in the FROM field (first field in the calendar form) and to the TO field (second field) to see all the stories scheduled for the selected period.
The two blue arrows (Left and Right) will show you the Previous/Next days and stories schedules.
The button between the two blue arrows will open up a general calendar view, where you can quickly jump to a random date. Days marked with RED in this calendar mean that there are some stories scheduled already.
The last 3 buttons in the calendar form will show you all the stories scheduled for TODAY, 5 DAY RANGE AROUND TODAY, THIS WEEK.
If you would like to create a story for a future date – for example you know there is a conference on the 25th September that you will cover, you can select this date from the calendar, create a NEW story for this date and start working on it anytime you want – days/weeks/months before the event.
Assignments are used for the planning of the events. You can schedule the event, assign the people and link attachments like pictures, files, URLs, text notes and stories. Assignee receives the notifications about the changes in the assignment.
It depends on the menu structure. Administrators should prepare the Assignment folder for you and grant access to the certain groups.
You can create a new assignment in the specific assignment folder.
You can create and link the new story to the selected assignment. Yet the story has to be stored in some story folder or rundown so you have to always choose the location from the Folders or Rundowns tab.
You can delete selected assignment. A confirmation dialogue will pop up.
You can copy the selected assignment if you have the rights to create assignments in the different assignment folder. Copy assignment dialogue will pop up. You have to reschedule the assignment or choose the folder in this dialogue.
You can move the selected assignment if you have the rights to create assignments in the different assignment folder. Copy assignment dialogue will pop up. You have to reschedule the assignment or choose the folder in this dialogue.
You will get additional information about the selected assignment. You can disable the preview by clicking on this button.
You can filter the assignments by assigned users.
See the Section 7.6.5, “Assignments config”.
You can print the list of the assignments or the details. In case the custom print form can be prepared. Follow the chapter about custom print forms in the Admin Guide.
You can navigate to the Previous or Next period of time or choose from the calendar. You can choose 1 Day, 4 Days, Week or Month view with enabled/disabled timeline.
You can create new assignment by clicking on
. You can add Name of the assignment/event, assign users (those will be notified about the changes in the widget), schedule it for a particular time or multiple days and a lot more. There are by default some custom fields like Delivery time, ETA, and Location. Those can be removed or exchanged by other custom fields. You can have up to 64 custom fields. There are also different types of custom fields available, like String (any words), Number (only numbers allowed), Float (numbers with decimal symbol), Timecode (time in HH:MM:SS format), Timestamp (date and time in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format), Boolean (ticker box Yes/No), Dictionary (drop down list with fixed content or with possibility to add items)You can also link the items into a particular assignment. You can link whatever file you want, URL, text note and placeholder.
Description field works for any description or notes you want to add.
You can edit the fields of the selected assignment if you click on
.You can delete selected assignments. Just multi select the assignments with Ctrl + left mouse button click and click on . All links will be broken.
Here you can adjust the default behaviour of the assignments as:
This is the default value of the duration when you are creating new assignment.
You can choose amount of days (2 Days, 3 Days, 4 Days, 5 Days, 6 Days, 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks, 4 Weeks) for the calendar mode.
See the Assignments chapter in the Admin Guide.
When a folder is designed to be a scripting folder (on contrary to plain-text story folder) or if the story is accessed via a rundown, a script button is available on the toolbar to edit the script and double-clicking a slug opens the script for the story.
The OCTOPUS script is opened in a double column view by default and has the text editing area on the right-hand side and the technical area on the left. Whatever you are writing on the right-hand side of the page should be visualized on the left-hand side. Each visual sequence should be described on the left-hand side. If you are using a graphic, the information about what the graphic includes should be included on the left-hand side. If you are using a sound bite, the CG should be included on the left-hand side. It is possible to hide or display the technical side of the script by clicking on the TECHNICAL button on the script toolbar.
When you first open a script it will be in read-only mode, either click on the edit button on the script toolbar or double-click in the text editing area of the script to start editing – note that once you have the script open for editing it will be locked and other users will not be able to modify the script. User rights can be assigned by your system administrator to allow you to take over a script while another user is editing it, you will be asked to confirm that you want to take over the lock and the other used would receive a message informing them that the script had been taken over and any changes they have made could then be saved as a copy only.
There are 3 different options under the SAVE button in the script toolbar and you can get to them by clicking the small down arrow on the SAVE button.
Save and Close – it will save all the changes that have been made and close the script.
Save – to save all the changes but not to close the script.
Save as... - the system will ask you in which folder or which rundown you would like to save your story to and what the new name should be. It will create a new story with NEW ID!
By default, clicking on the SAVE button (not the arrow) will SAVE AND CLOSE your script. If you want to close the script without saving any changes click CANCEL.
If your story is assigned to more than one folder or rundown, you can find the other story folders/rundowns easily by clicking on the LOCATE button.
Click on the PRINT button on the script toolbar to print the script.
Every script consists of a number of elements. The commonly used basic types of elements are described in detail below. The names of these will most likely differ in your organization according to local terminology. Your administrator can add story templates which consist of a combination of these elements and any other script content that you want to be added to a new story automatically.
is usually used for the part of the script when the presenter is reading something in the studio with no video playing on the screen. This is commonly used for the introduction to a package or VO.
The key properties of this type of element:
Duration is calculated automatically from the length of the text based on the reading speed of the selected presenter. When no presenter is selected, the duration is calculated based on the average reading speed defined in the system.
There is no video running on the screen – the camera is focusing on the presenters in the studio.
When a prompter is integrated with OCTOPUS, the text of this element is usually sent to this device.
is similar to the studio element, but the main difference is that there is a video playing concurrently while the text is being read by the presenter.
The key properties of this type of element:
The duration is calculated automatically from the length of the text based on the reading speed of the selected presenter. It means the duration of the video is not the source of the duration for this element.
The selected video is played out. Focus on the video and the presenters in the studio can be combined.
The text of this element is sent to the prompter.
any piece of video or audio material played from any kind of device. There is no text read from the studio when this kind of element is being on air.
The key properties of this type of element:
duration is calculated from the ready video clip. While the video is not ready, or no video is selected, duration is temporarily based on the planned duration. As soon as the video has Ready state, it will change to the duration of the video.
Video/Audio is played out.
Usually, there is no text sent to the teleprompter (it can be alternatively configured in a different way, but usually it makes no sense to do so).
is used when live report or feed is scheduled for the show. The duration of this element is based on the planned duration of the story.
The key properties of this type of element:
Duration is based on the planned duration of the script
There can be a cover video running on the screen, usually mixed with some live camera shots from the location
Text can be sent to the teleprompter, it is based on the configuration.
On the screenshot below you can see a script with 2 empty elements inserted by default – a ST (Studio) and a VO (Voice over):
To INSERT a new story element right click on the light gray field under the last element and select NEW and the type of element you would like to insert.
To DELETE a story element, click with the right button of your mouse on the blue title field of the element you would like to delete and click on the DELETE option.
To CHANGE the element type, click with the right button of your mouse on the blue title field of the element you would like to change, select CONVERT and the type of element you would like to use instead of the current one.
To ORGANISE the order of your elements, click with the right button of your mouse on the blue title field of the element you would like to change and select MOVE UP or MOVE DOWN. Another option is to click with the LEFT button of your mouse on the blue field of the element you would like to move, drag it and drop on the blue field of the element that should FOLLOW the one being moved. If you would like to move an element to the end, drag and drop it somewhere below the last element.
The other options in this context menu are:
to insert a MOS object, such as Video or Graphics to the element, show the clip, remove a clip or to launch an active-x.
To hide the technical part and the script part of all the elements and show only a brief list of the used elements
To show the technical and script part of all the collapsed elements
to cut one element (i.e. Copied and Deleted)
to copy one element
to insert a copied element
provides the same options as in the script toolbar on the top.
The text editing area is the part where anchors write and edit their speeches. Reporters also write VOs for their packages here. Whatever text you write into the editing area, it will appear on the teleprompter after saving the script.
All the actions with story text are called from a context menu, which appears after right-clicking a script text part.
In addition to the formatting options already covered in this chapter, the editing area menu options are described below.
Cut – To copy and delete a part of the text.
Copy – To copy the text.
Paste – To insert a previously copied text.
Select All – To highlight the whole text.
Editor – Same options as in the toolbar.
When you finish your scripting, you should fill CUE IN and CUE OUT words. Every reporter should do this and the script should not be approved without CUE IN/OUT corresponding with the package or sound bite, as these are very important for directors in the control room during live broadcast.
You can also insert a NOTE for the director or editor, click with the right button of your mouse in the place where it should appear and select NEW > NOTE. Type the note in the yellow text entry field that appears in the technical area. This text will not be sent to the Teleprompter and it is only available to read here in the script.
To format a word, part of the text or the whole text field, highlight the text you would like to work with (you can see the duration of just selected text in the right upper corner of the script in the "Selected text duration" field), click with the right button of mouse and select “Format”.
Formatting options in the text field of your element include the following:
Bold – To change the text to bold.
Italic – To change the text to italic.
Underline – To underline the selected text.
Ignore – the IGNORED text will NOT be calculated for the duration of your script and will NOT be sent to the teleprompter
Don't count – the text will NOT be calculated for the duration of your script but it WILL be sent to the teleprompter
LTR – To change to orientation of a part of your script to Left To Right.
RTL - To change to orientation of a part of your script to Right To Left.
Black/Green/Red/Blue/Orange – Format the colour of your text or part of the text. If your prompter supports it, then these text colours will appear on the prompter as well.
To change the font or font size, click on the FONT options button at the top right of the script. This will then display options to change the font and font size for the script.
You should follow some rules to time your script to meet duration scheduled by the assignment desk. Firstly, all text in the script editing area should have the presenter assigned. This will ensure that the duration is based on the reading speed of this presenter (everybody should set up their reading speed in the USER PROFILE – see the section My Octopus – User Profile for guidance). The easiest way to INSERT A PRESENTER is to place your cursor at the beginning of the text and press CTRL+P. Another option is to click with the right button of your mouse and select NEW > PRESENTER.
A PRES field will be inserted into your script that will enable you to select the person who is going to read the text. Type the first few letter of the name of the presenter to the text field (in the Blue PRES box) and let the system fill in the name of the anchor.
You can insert more than one presenter in each element. On our screenshot below, Presenter 1 will read the text in the red box, while Presenter 2 will read the text in the blue one. The header of each element displays the duration of the element on the right.
Secondly, the correct clip should be selected for every package and/or VO that either has the desired duration or the correct IN and OUT times should be added.
The total duration of a story is displayed in the header part of the script; as is the below screenshot which shows a story that was planned for 2 minutes and now is 3seconds longer than expected.
There is also a field for Text duration which is also visible in the above screenshot. It shows the duration of the text in the currently selected element. Or, if you highlight a block of text it will show the Selected Text Duration.
Duration of each element is automatically counted based on text, special tags, and media assigned to it. Different rules are used for different types of elements. For example package or video element (PKG) is based on planned duration until a READY video clip is assigned. From this time duration of an element is equal to the duration of the clip. VOs (voiceovers, OOV) or graphics elements are live anchored so the duration is always counted from the text part of the element and not the clip. You should make sure that the clip assigned to a VO element is not shorter than the text duration.
There are two options which allow you to include text in the script without them being included in the duration; IGNORE and DON'T COUNT.
Ignore ALT+I – highlight the text to be ignored, click with the right button of your mouse and select Format - Ignore. The IGNORED text will NOT be calculated in the duration of your script and will NOT be sent to the teleprompter. Alternatively, you can select the text and press ALT+I or insert double round brackets around the text to be ignored ((ignored text)).
Don't count (ALT+D) - highlight the text, click with the right button of your mouse and select Format - Don't count. The text will NOT be added to the duration of your script but it WILL be sent to the teleprompter. Alternatively, you can select the text and press ALT+D or put enclose the text in double angle brackets. This is especially useful when instructions or choreography is to be sent to the presenter.
Extra tags indicating the duration of soundbites or natural sound can be inserted into the script text. These are then counted together with the text duration to calculate the overall story duration. To insert a duration tag, right click in the text where you want to place the tag and select NEW > TAG. A DUR 00:00:00:00 Field will be added in the text where you can insert the duration of the this tag. The time is usually set as HH:MM:SS:FR.
OCTOPUS has a spell checker, your misspelled words will be UNDERLINED WITH RED COLOUR. To see the correct spelling options, click on the underlined word with the right button of your mouse. To change to a different spell-check language, click on the Config button on the script editing toolbar and then select the language from the Spell-checker language drop-down list.
If a word is UNDERLINED WITH BLUE COLOR, it means you have typed a word that is in the banned words list. To see an explanation of why you should not use that word and to see the alternatives, click on the word with the right button of your mouse.
When you find a wire or RSS that is a useful source of information for a story, select it in a list and click on the Attach button or right click on the item in the list and choose Attach from the context menu. This will attach the item to the story; the item will now be available in the assets section of the story.
When you decide to use a VIDEO related element (VO, PKG or similar), you will have to select which media file should be played out when the time comes. This ID can be either filled in manually or selected from list of clips available for playout (see media management later in this manual). OCTOPUS can be configured to playout all clips you enter here automatically. Therefore you need to be extremely careful when selecting the clip.
To fill in the clip details manually (when there is no integrated Media) just enter the Name and ID of the clip and fill in the IN and OUT points which will set the duration. These are important for director, producer, and technicians in control room to control manual playback.
To select a media object from an integrated media server you can right click somewhere in the dark gray area around the media selection form and select MOS > Browse... The MEDIA window will open up and you should be able to see all the available media objects. Once you have found the one you need, select it and click USE in the top left corner of the toolbar. The system will automatically fill in all the fields in the form, including the NAME, ID, IN and OUT times.
If you already know the name of the media file or the end of the ID, just start typing into either of these fields and a list of matching media objects will be displayed for you to choose from, this is the media insight feature.
There is a STATUS indicator above the selection form that says NOT READY by default. This STATUS is typically being received from a third party device and it indicates the state of the selected media file. Once the status we receive changes to READY, the video will be considered as prepared for playout and the duration of the video file will be taken into the account rather than the planned duration.
To CHANGE the selected video clip, click in the same field again with the right button of your mouse and select MOS > Browse... Select and USE a different media file and the old one will be automatically overwritten.
To DELETE all the fields from the form, click in the same field again with the right button of your mouse and select MOS > REMOVE CLIP.
(For more details on working with Media, see the Media and How Octopus Controls Devices chapter of this guide)
MOS objects added directly to the text should always be concurrent events as the MOS objects duration will not be included in the scripts actual duration. To insert a new MOS object, click with the right button of your mouse in the place where it should appear in the text and select NEW > MOS object. This can also be done by using the shortcut CTRL+M. On the left in the technical area an empty MOS form will appear, where you will be able to select the media. This works much the same way as described in the Selecting Media chapter above, you can either start typing the name or ID of the media item or choose to Browse to open the Browse Media Window. IN and OUT times can be entered in the two-time fields on the right of the form. To delete the MOS object use backspace or delete in the editing area.
Right clicking on the MOS object either in the editing area or the technical area will display relevant options according to your system setup. In addition to the standard options of Browse, Show Clip, Remove Clip there might be options for Creating a Placeholder or Launching an ActiveX control.
CGs are automatically taken from the script during live broadcast and they are keyed-in to video. Therefore you need to add a CG command to script for any single person or location you want to display. The quickest way to add a CG is to press CTRL+G while working in the editing area of the script do that, or click the right mouse button in the editing area where you would like to add it and select NEW>CG from the menu. The CG form will appear in the technical area of the script, where you can either:
1) Start typing the name of the CG template you would like to use in the first field and the system will display templates with matching names. Choose the CG device from the drop-down list and enter the IN and OUT points in the two-time fields.
2) Or Click on the small button right next to the “CG” letters. This will open up a dialogue window, where you can:
Select the template from the first drop-down menu in the top left corner
Insert the time when the CG should appear on the screen (IN: field)
Insert the time when it should disappear (OUT: field)
Type the text of the CG straight into the template as it should appear on the screen.
Click OK when ready or Cancel to leave without saving the changes.
Be careful when writing CGs, because everything that you type here, goes directly on-air and every typo will be seen by the audience.
If you want to copy multiple lines of CG text there is an option to Copy Contents available by right clicking on the CG in the text side of the story.
You can easily monitor the changing status of each story by checking the colour of the story status column, the column header is a '?'. While editing the script the status colour is the first button on the script toolbar, and directly below this will be tick-boxes for changing the story status. Clicking on the status button on the script toolbar or the status column in a rundown or story folder will open the Story States window, tick-boxes are displayed here as well for changing the story state.
The story states can be configured differently on every Octopus system, but a typical configuration would include checkpoints for when the SCRIPT is done, VISUALS ready and then READY for air.
The states and colours may differ from this example, but the following is an example of how the story states can be used.
RED means the story has been assigned but not written yet.
ORANGE means the story has been written and the script has been checked.
BLUE means the visuals are ready.
GREEN means the script is READY FOR AIR!
Once a script has READY for air status, only users with the MASTEREDIT user right can modify the script, this user right should be reserved for rundown editors.
Story status can be seen like traffic lights, informing others about your work and indicating that it is time for their part of the script writing process to begin.
Assets are items attached to a story which is typically used as sources for script writing. Assets can be Wires, RSS, Contacts or Media. See Attaching Items To Stories section in in the Wires chapter and Attachments section in Media chapter of this manual for details on how to attach a wire message to the story.
The Assets section appears on the right side of the story. To see the list of assets click the ASSETS button on the script toolbar. Left click on the asset and it will be displayed in the area below the asset list, if you double click an asset in the list it will open in a new tab. You can select a block of text and then drag and drop the text between the asset and the script editing area. There are two tabs available in this section, ASSETS, and CLIPS. When a Media file is attached, the CLIPS tab will display a list of media and selecting a media item will display the lowres preview of the media file if available. To REMOVE an asset from the list, simply click on it and press DELETE on your keyboard.
A visual history is available every time you open a script in Octopus. You can find this History if you click on the tab right under the toolbar (red box on the screenshot):
History will compare two previous versions of your script that have been saved earlier. These versions can be compared SIDE-BY-SIDE or COMBINED in one text field. To select the display option, click on the drop down menu on the left-hand side under the toolbar (green box on the screenshot).
To select which two versions should be compared to each other, select version 1 and version 2 in the drop down menus in the middle of the screen right under the toolbar (marked with blue box on the screenshot).
leftThe NUMBER OF SAVED VERSIONS is configurable, however, it has to be your administrator who sets it as it is a global setting.
If you would like to undo all the changes you made since one of the last versions and you would like to revert to a previous stage, click on the GREEN BACK ARROW next to the version drop-down menu.
Crashing or story takeover scenarios:
In order not to loose valuable script information when unforeseen events take place (for example during system crashes of any kind), Octopus automatically saves the script locally every 30 seconds (this is by default, it can be changed by the system administrator). This DOES NOT replace the normal save functionality, yet it offers the option to recover the information which was not saved conventionally. As outlined in the picture below, the user can restore the auto-saved content or continue from the last saved version.
Whenever another user (let's say user B) takes over a story (he has to have the right to do it) that was in use by the original user (let's say user A), he will automatically see and work with the latest version (automatically saved when taking over and visible in the history). This requires that the original client still is connected to the server.
If the user A crashes before he can save his story, then the user B takes over the story and writes new content, then the user A opens the story again (no matter if user B is still editing it or not, no matter if he saved or not), he will be asked if he wants to use the new version OR the old local version. He should click to keep his own old local version, because in the process of taking over from user B, what user B wrote will already be present in the history tab (automatically saved in the process of taking over).
There are additional options you can choose by clicking the
button on the script toolbar. These options can depend on user rights and the global settings, but usually, you will see the following menu after clicking on the CONFIG button:Configure the default font family
Default size of the font
To turn spell checker ON/OFF
Select from the languages available on your system
Whether Cue In / Out can be added to the element.
Whether or not to be asked if you surely want to detach an asset (or attachment) from the script.
CG dialogue (Ctrl + G) is modal (you can not work outside the CG window) by default. You can make it modeless (you can work outside the CG window) if you want.
How often should the system save the script
How often a script will be updated when in read-only mode.
COMBINED (one column or SIDE BY SIDE (two columns mode)
The text in History tab will not have configured colours for inserted/deleted text if enabled.
While working in the History tab of the Script, you can preview what changes have been made compared to another version you select. These changes will be highlighted with different colours which can be chosen here.
While working in the History tab of the Script, you can preview what changes have been made compared to another version you select. These changes will be highlighted with different colours which can be chosen here.
Left to Right (LTR) or Right to Left (RTL). This orientation can be changed in each text field.
Timeimecode format in the D: field of every element - FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) or SMART (M:SS)
You can choose what the second field in the CG object represents. The first one is IN (when it starts) and the second one can be OUT (when it ends) or DUR (duration)
Timecode format in every CG object - FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) or SMART (M:SS)
You can choose what the second field in the MOS line represents. The first one is CUE IN (when it starts) and the second one can be OUT (when it ends) or DUR (duration)
Timecode format in every MOS object - FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) or SMART (M:SS)
DEFAULT print mode will print scripts in the system default font family and font size
WYSIWYG will print in the font family and font size that you are using on screen
FIXED SIZE allows choosing a font size from the below drop-down list
CUSTOM allows choosing from the below font family and font size drop-down lists
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM is set in Print Mode
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM or FIXED SIZE is set in Print Mode
The same options as PRINT MODE, but these are applied when you choose Print Prompter from the script toolbar – this option prints only the elements that are sent to the prompter.
DEFAULT mode will print scripts in the system default font family and font size
AS_SCRIPT mode will print prompter with the same setting as set in the Print Mode
WYSIWYG will print in the font family and font size that you are using on screen
FIXED SIZE allows choosing a font size from the below drop-down list
CUSTOM allows choosing from the below font family and font size drop-down lists
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM is set in Prompter Print Mode
It is applied ONLY when CUSTOM or FIXED SIZE is set in Prompter Print Mode
Client will notify the user in the script editor, with red vertical line at the beginning of the line, that he reached specified amount of characters in one line.
The "Don't count" text will be included in the paragraph line.
Oversized lines are only broken when the User starts editing the script.
Used only with the Arabic languages
Option to create MOS object as a subelement event when there is no ActiveX or HTML5 plugin configured.
This is the Editors’ area of OCTOPUS. User rights should be defined by administrators accordingly to allow only Editors' to have full control of over the RUNDOWNS.
Once a script is written, edited and visuals checked, it is ready for air. At that point, you can move/copy or assign it from a container into the rundown.
If the story has been created and worked on in the target rundown, there’s obviously no need to move it, however, actions for copying/moving/assigning are still available in case you would like to relocate your story elsewhere. To relocate a story from either a story folder or a rundown, click on the
button on the toolbar, and select either Move, Copy or Assign as required and then select the destination story folder or rundown. You can assign one script to several different rundowns if necessary. This is how you can build the actual on-air rundown, by moving completed scripts from the POOLS area.An exclamation mark next to the story name reminds you the story is in a rundown (the column header for this column with the exclamation marks is '#'). If it is red, it means this story is in more than one rundown. It is very important to move stories to rundown just from the story POOLS folders, not from an ASSIGNMENT folder where stories are generally not finished or approved.
Stories can also be dragged and dropped into a rundown. The standard rules apply here. When dragged only, the story is moved, when CTRL is held during the drag and drop story is copied and when Ctrl + Shift is used, story is assigned.
Stories can also be dragged and dropped into a rundown. The standard rules apply here. When dragged only, the story is moved, when CTRL is held during the drag and drop story is copied and when Ctrl + Shift is used, the story is assigned.
In the RUNDOWN itself, you can organize the order of stories, number the pages, check your timing and monitor the bulletin as it’s being broadcast.
To change the order of stories within the rundown you can just drag and drop either single stories or multi-select using Ctrl or Shift and then drag and drop the selection.
You can put a story on hold selecting it and clicking the SKIP button on the toolbar; (this removes it from timing calculations and prevents it being sent to MOS devices) it is useful to hold extra stories in any half hour, but without them being unskipped unless you need them. Another option for keeping stories in reserve is to move them below the OFF-AIR line, this has the same effect as skipping the stories. To move stories below the off-air line just drag and drop, or to move all skipped stories below the of off-air line click on the CLEAR button on the toolbar.
To open and change story attributes, press and hold Shift key while double- clicking the slug, alternatively you can select the slug and the click on the toolbar. Some fields can be edited inline in the rundown, just click on the cell you would like to edit and press the F2 key. Double clicking the script or clicking the button on the toolbar will open the script, this will initially open in read only mode; double click in the text area or click the button on the toolbar to edit the script (which also locks the script). It is possible to lock individual scripts or the whole rundown manually to prevent other users from making changes. To lock scripts highlight the script or scripts that you want to lock and click LOCK on the rundown toolbar. To lock the whole rundown you can click on the down arrow next to the button and choose , this will prevent other users from making any changes.
To remove a story or stories from the rundown, select them and then click the REMOVE button on the toolbar. Removed stories can still be found via the rundown buddy, click on the
button on the toolbar and then click on the button on the buddy toolbar; stories in this list can be dragged back into the rundown if necessary. If you select a story and then choose from the drop-down menu off the button, the story will be completely purged from the system – including all locations that the story is assigned to (this is dependant on user rights for each location however).The story can also be removed from rundowns via the story occurrences dialogue. Double click the exclamation mark next to the story title in the rundown, and then click on the
button in this dialogue.Each slug in rundown has a Page number which is used for quick reference to a slug in the rundown. To renumber the whole rundown, click the
button. It is wise to do this only once a day when you think that you have all stories you plan to broadcast in the rundown. Later, as the stories are shifted up and down, the numbers might not be continuous, but renumbering the slugs several times a day can create chaos in the production.You should time your rundowns accurately to make sure the rest of the schedule is not delayed. OCTOPUS can help you to do that by calculating all text and package durations. To be as accurate as possible, all users which will be presenting should set-up their reading speed. Then presenter tags should be added for all studios, GFXs and VOs to allow Octopus to calculate the text time based on the correct reading speed.
The following is a table of the available timing columns which can be easily added or removed by right clicking on any rundown column header and ticking or unticking the column name:
The duration of the slug or segment based on the actual text and ready packages included in the story. Feedback from some automation systems can be used to update this field automatically.
Cumulative duration based on DURATION.
The time that this slug should start in order for the show to finish exactly at the end of the planned duration of the rundown, this is calculated using DURATION.
If F9 or F11 is pressed while the slug is highlighted this will enter the current time into the Hit Time field and recalculate all subsequent hit times based on the DURATION of each slug. Backtime will also be recalculated when F9 or F11 is pressed.
The planned duration for this slug, this is manually entered when the story is created.
To avoid including media placeholders in the Duration field, only READY media packages will be used to calculate the Duration field, when the media is NOT READY this field will be based on the Plan dur (while editing the story the D: field of the package element will be highlighted orange to indicate that Duration timing will not be of the NOT READY media).
Off-Air lines and segment lines will show the Plan dur for the rundown or segment respectively in square brackets and next to this the under/over time, its possible to configure custom colours to indicate when the show timing is under/over or even with the Plan dur. Typically if the rundown is over the Plan dur, the over time will be highlighted red.
The bottom line of the screen also shows you timing information for the whole rundown. The first time in the square brackets is the planned duration of the rundown, next to this is the under/over time. You can also see block durations in this line, to count the duration a block of stories in rundown, press and hold the Ctrl or Shift keys to highlight the selection.
This is a simple time field that allows you to add the exact start time for the selected slug by pressing F9 or F11. Pressing F9 or F11 will enter the current time into the Hit time field and recalculate all subsequent Hit time times based on this; Backtime will also be recalculated and the rundown under/over time will be modified. To clear a time from the HIT TIME column press Shift + F9 or Shift + F11. Double clicking on the Hit time column will allow entry of any time and allows deletion of previously entered HIT TIMES times.
While the rundown is ON-AIR, you can monitor the timing by clicking the
button on the toolbar. There are a total of six clocks displayed, the first three are for the rundown; Count-Up, Count-Down and Under/Over time (based on total planned rundown duration). The fourth and fifth clocks display a Count-Up and Count-Down for the current slug (based on DURATION); the sixth clock displays the under/over time for the previous slug based on DURATION. If you want to start the timer without setting the hit time times, you can press F10 to start timing each slug.In addition to assigning the presenter in the script text using presenter tags, it is also possible to assign presenters in the rundown edit dialogue. Click the down arrow next to the rundown button on the rundown toolbar and choose Edit. As in the screen-shot below, you can add presenters for the whole rundown either by typing their names into the text field above the Presenters list or by clicking the button and choosing the presenter names from the multi-select list.
Once you have assigned the presenters for the rundown, you can then choose from two options on the menu associated with the Rundown button on the toolbar
or . These options will assign the presenters consecutively to either the whole rundown or the selected slugs, the assigned presenter can then be seen in the presenters column.If a presenter is assigned inside one of the scripts, this will override the presenter set at rundown level; in this case, the presenter name will be bold.
When a rundown is made MOS active for a connected device (for example prompters, video playout servers or CG devices), a playlist of MOS objects associated with that system will be sent to the device. Once the rundown is MOS active any changes to the Octopus rundown will be sent immediately to the connected device.
For 24-hour news channels, rundown MOS activation is typically set up to be automatic for a range of rundowns. Ask you system administrators if you require changes to the automatic MOS activation range. To activate a rundown, click on the
button on the rundown toolbar. This will display a list of all connected devices, check the box next to each device that you want to activate the rundown for and then click . If you want to force Octopus to resend the rundown to a particular device, click the resend button in this dialogue. RO channel can be selected here if your automation system has multiple channels like News or Production. For automation systems that have multiple playout channels, a rule can be selected here to automatically assign clips alternately to particular playout channels like A,B. Some systems also require the rundown to be marked as ready for air, the Toggle Ready option on the MOS button will mark the rundown as ready for air.Clicking on the Masteredit by administrator in Administration/Story/States/Colours tab), (stories with other colour of states than configured as Masteredit by administrator in Administration/Story/States/Colours tab), or (shows stories which were deleted from the particular rundown by ) stories of the particular rundown. The buddy also has toolbar buttons , and ; CG will display that are included in the rundown, will display only the text that is being sent to the prompter and will display a list of Video clips that are included in the rundown. By clicking on you can choose between rundown order and alphabetical order of the list (applied only with , or enabled).
button on the rundown toolbar will open the rundown buddy. The buddy provides an alternative view on the rundown, by clicking on the relevant tool bar buttons you can view either (shows all stories), (shows skipped stories and stories under Off-air line), (shows only to-be-aired stories), (stories with the colour of the state which was set asTo create a new rundown you can click on the
next to the button on the rundown toolbar and then click the button. Another option is to locate to the Broadcasting - Rundown Playlist folder in the main menu and then click on the new button. The dialogue for creating the new rundown, select show type, channel and template from the provided lists. Fill in the planned duration, and the start time and date of the bulletin. Connect indicates whether the show is connected to previous one, when connected the rundowns start time will be equal to the end time of the previous rundown, otherwise the exact specified start time will be used. You can also create a rundown without entering a start time, just choose the “Named” option and enter the name for the rundown. This rundown will appear under Named folder in Select show dialogue afterwards. Automatic actions can be applied to the rundowns at a set number of hours days or weeks after the scheduled start time. If it is left blank the rundown will remain active in the system indefinitely, it is a good idea to choose archive or delete after a suitable time frame to avoid unnecessarily taking up database space. Next click on the OK button and the new show will appear in the list and editors/producers can start filling it with slugs.To delete a rundown you can click on the down arrow next to the
button on the rundown toolbar and then click the button. Another option is to locate to the Broadcasting - Rundown Playlist folder in the main menu and select the rundown then click on the button. You will be asked to enter 'yes' into the confirmation dialogue. When you delete a rundown, any stories that are assigned to other rundowns will remain in the other rundowns.To archive a rundown manually you can click on the
next to the button on the rundown toolbar and then click the button. Another option is to locate to the Broadcasting - Rundown Playlist folder in the main menu and select the rundown then click on the button. You will be asked to enter 'yes' into the confirmation dialogue and then the rundown will be archived completely with all stories and attachments. Any stories assigned to other rundowns will remain in the other rundowns.You get the Select rundown dialogue with all rundowns which were not archived or deleted. The rundowns are divided based on the configuration of the Select rundown dialogue (see the Section, “Select Rundown”).
Show the next scheduled rundown.
Show the previous scheduled rundown.
Show the previous scheduled rundown
Show the previously scheduled rundown
Edit the properties of the rundown as Rundown type, Channel, Planned duration, Presenter, Timing and Automatic actions.
This function removes all MOS statuses and rundown ON-AIR status from the selected rundown.
Lock the whole rundown. The administrator can define what parts of the rundown will be locked.
You can archive the rundown. You will loose the ability to do the changes and you will loose the history versions of the script - only the current version is preserved. You can copy the rundown from the archive and use the stories for broadcasting.
You can copy the whole rundown to the different Channel, to archive or different time slot.
You can delete the rundown. All stories go to the story trash and are removed after 5 days - this can be configured by octopus administrator.
You can create new rundown.
You can assign presenters to all slugs in the rundown.
You can assign presented to one selected slug.
You can create new story in the rundown.
You can create new jingle (Opening/Closing clips, Bumpers) in the rundown.
You can create new breaks in the rundown.
You can create new commercial breaks in the rundown. Please see the Commercial guide for more information.
You can create new segments with the specified name and duration.
You can create new text notes in the rundown.
You can create an Off-air line. Every rundown can contain only one Off-air line - this should be configured already in the Show template by octopus administrator.
You can edit the properties of the selected slug. You can change the Name, Planned duration, Page, Schedule from/to, Tags, assigned Reporters, Descriptions and Custom fields if configured.
You can get information about the location of the story in case it is assigned to more than one location in Location tab or the Parent and Children in the Family tab.
You can lock the selected stories.
You can see the story preview in horizontal orientation.
You can see the story preview in vertical orientation.
You can see the script of the selected story.
You can skip selected stories. Those stories will not be counted in the rundown duration and will not be sent via MOS.
This button will skip the selected stories and moves them to the very end of the rundown.
You can remove the story to the local rundown trash. Every rundown has it's own trash. You can find those stories when you click on
and the . Just drag & drop the story from buddy to rundown if you want to recover the story.You can delete the story to the global trash. You can find those stories in the Stories trash in the menu. Such stories are deleted after 5 days (amount of days can be configured by octopus administrator).
This feature can recover the last removed story from the rundown. It works only when
was used. It does not work with .You can move the story to the different story folder or rundown. ( PC: Shift+drag and drop, Mac: Cmd+Shift+drag and drop )
You can create an independent copy of the selected story in the different story folder or rundown. ( PC: Ctrl++drag and drop, Mac: Alt++drag and drop )
You can create linked copy of the story in different story folder or rundown. Those stories will have exactly the same content. Any changes made on assigned story will be reflected in all other locations. Exclamation mark with a number will appear in the # column. ( PC: Alt++drag and drop, Mac: Cmd+Alt++drag and drop )
This is opposite of Assign story. You can break the link between the assigned stories, so if you want to make one story independent you can just select it and click on the .
You can archive selected stories. You will loose the ability to do the changes and the history versions of the script - only the current version is preserved. The story can be found in the Main Menu in the Stories archive.
You can assign the numbers to the current order of slugs. The number will appear in the Pg column.
You can assign the numbers and letters to the current order of slugs. Every segment starts with a different letter (A, B, C, ...) and then the number follows.
You can start assigning numbers from the particular position in the rundown.
You can move all skipped slugs to the very end of the rundown.
You can start stopwatch.
You can stop stopwatch.
You can reset stopwatch.
You can select the MOS devices where the rundown will be sent and choose the rules for the MOS item channels if configured.
You can assign the MOS item channels if configured.
You can mark the rundown as READY TO AIR.
You can print the rundown list. It will print the columns which are visible on your screen. You can customize it by enabling/disabling the columns, changing the order of the columns and their size.
You can print the text and technical part of the selected stories.
You can print only the text part of the elements important to the anchors. Octopus administrator can configure which elements are important for the anchors.
A custom rundown list print form can be configured. Ask your octopus administrator.
A custom script print form can be configured. Ask your octopus administrator.
Export can be used when some export scripts are configured.
See the Section 9.15, “Rundown Config”.
You can choose whether new story goes under or above the cursor.
The value in the Hit time (modified when F9 or F11 pressed) column is reseted when the slug is moved.
You can enable the possibility to move the segment lines.
You can enable the possibility to move or delete the Off-air line.
You can change the order of the rundowns in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can choose which parts will be expanded in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can choose which parts will be expanded in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can choose which parts will be expanded in the Select rundown... dialogue.
You can hide the values in Duration, Hit time, Cm dur and Backtime columns.
Duration of the rundown in the Off-air line and in the Footer of the rundown can be in SMART (MM:SS - by default) or FULL (HH:MM:SS:FF) format.
You can change the direction of the segment. It can be above the Segment line or below. Small arrow before the segment name represents the direction of the segment.
All slugs within one segment are moved together with the segment line.
Align of the text in story type Text
Whether or not the text in story type Text will be wrapped.
Whether the line with the newest set Hit time will be colorised with the ONAIR colour or not.
Whether the cursor jumps to the next slug in the rundown when Set retime (F9 or F11) is used or it stays on the current one.
Import button is not visible when disabled.
There are two modes:
Changes in Planned dur affects the End time only and changes in End time or Start time are affecting each other Planned dur remains unchanged.
Changes in Start time affects the End time onlt and changes in End time or Planned dur are affecting each other - Start time remains unchaged.
Rundown duration calculation (Cm dur, Hit time and Backtime) is calculated based on the Planned duration instead of (real) Duration.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Hit time column.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Jingle story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Break story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Insert story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Segment story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Text story type.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with Off-air mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with On-air mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with Cued mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the story with Parked mark.
Foreground (FG) and Background (BG) of the Skipped story.
Defines what values are used for the Display Rundown Count-Up and in Display Rundown Countdown that are visible in the Timer.
Start + actual duration
Start + Planned duration
Scheduled start + Planned duration
Whether or not is the Rundown Count-Up visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Rundown Countdown visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Rundown Under/Over Time visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Slug Count-Up visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Slug Countdown visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Slug Under/Over Time visible in the Timer.
Whether or not is the Stopwatch visible in the Timer.
You can define the background colour of the Timer.
You can define the colour of the labels (Rundown, Slug, Slug, Stopwatch) in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the slug labels (Slug, Slug - only when Start local timer (F10) is used) in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Warning in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Rundown Countdown in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Over time in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Rundown Count-Up time in the Timer.
You can define the colour of the Slug Count-Up time in the Timer.
You can define the threshold of the Warning time in the Timer.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Over show.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Under show.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Over slug.
You can define the threshold of the colour change for Under slug.
You can define Rundown foreground, Rundown background, Slug foreground and Slug background colours for Under duration.
You can define Rundown foreground, Rundown background, Slug foreground and Slug background colours for Even duration.
You can define Rundown foreground, Rundown background, Slug foreground and Slug background colours for Over duration.
You can specify the flashing mode. If you are watching the rundown and somebody saves the changes in the story.
Nobody will see the flashing in the rundown.
Everybody just you will see the flashing in the rundown.
Everybody will see the flashing in the rundown.
Amount of flashes of the whole slug line
You can configure the interval between the slug line flashes.
You can configure the interval of the flashes in the F column in the rundown. It flashes until you click on it.
You can have up to to 10 split modes with following options: (not used), channel, named, year, year-month, year-week, year-month-week, year-month-day, date and hours, date and hours:minutes, month only, week of year only, week of month only, day of year only, day of month only, day of week only, day of week in month only, hours only, minutes only.
You can specify the interval for the split mode.
Date/time format strings (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm): localized - {LONG}, {MEDIUM}, {SHORT}, {SMART}; year - yy (two digits) or yyyy (full); month - M (one or two digits), MM (zero-leading); week - w/ww (in year), W (in month); day - d/dd (in month), D/DDD (in year); weekday - E/EEEE (short/long name in week); AM/PM marker - a; hours - H/HH (24-hours), h (12-hours); minutes - m/mm.
Font size used when the List is used.
/Whether or not the horizontal lines will be printed when List is used.
/Whether or not the vertical lines will be printed when List is used.
/Whether or not the odd and even rows will be printed with different background colour.
Files of all types can be uploaded to OCTOPUS. They are stored on the server and can be tagged and/or linked to objects such as story, assignment etc. If the file contains text information, it is extracted and indexed for fulltext search. Uploading a file is simple - just drag and drop it over assets area in the script or into a similar place in an assignment. You can also drag and drop a file to a topic bin or you can use New>Upload file... menu action where available.
Tags are very popular feature present in many applications nowadays. They allow simple, user-friendly, content categorization. There is no need to build a dictionary beforehand, users will just add new tags as they go. It is a good idea to set some general rules for tag creation at the beginning, however. Almost any of the basic data types can be tagged - most notably stories, assignments and uploaded files.
There are two ways how to edit tags associated with a story. You can either use story edit dialogue or it can also be done via inline editing (via F2) in the list. Every tag has a small "x" icon on the right, clicking on that will remove the tag from the story. If you want to assign an existing tag or create a new one, start typing. Whisperer popup will offer exiting tags starting with letter you typed and also allow you to browse (you can also use F4) or create a new tag directly from what was typed in. In both cases, changes are only saved after confirming either the dialogue (CTRL+Enter or click on button) or list editor (Enter).
Tag folders are "baskets" showing all objects assigned to given tags. You can either have "searching" basket where tags need to be entered into the filter in order to show objects or you can ask your administrator to put into menu links to objects assigned to some specific tags. You can also drag objects into opened tag folder, this would assign dropped objects to given tags, this applies to both OCTOPUS objects (stories, wires, media, ...) and external objects such as texts, links (URL) and files. For last three mentioned you can also use "New" toolbar button.
OCTOPUS can be connected with various third party devices like automation systems, video servers, graphic systems, CG machines, still stores and others. This is achieved using the MOS protocol to communicate with these devices. Content from these devices can be browsed and searched in the OCTOPUS media management window and rundowns are passed to MOS device for playout.
This brings extra functionality to your text based newsroom system. You can browse the content of all video servers, write CGs that go directly to CG machine and of course all changes in the rundown are immediately reflected in an automation playlist. But this also means you have greater responsibility; you should carefully spell check all your CGs and not “play” with rundown when it should be on-air in seconds. These are great features, but you should be very careful as your audience will see even small mistakes.
The Media folder is located in the main menu. The Media folder contains a list of all media objects that have been published to OCTOPUS by MOS connected devices. There are several views available, MediaExtended and MediaGrid (both include thumbnails if they are available), Media Simple and MosObjectSimpleSearch. Media titles and metadata is indexed which allows fulltext searching for items. To add a media item to a story you should use drag and drop as described in the scripts section of this guide; to see which stories a media item has been used in, click the
button on the toolbar.The media toolbar contains buttons for opening Active-X controls if they are available for the media item and other buttons.
Clip usage
See the Section 12.1.2, “Media Config”.
Panel with media player/quick time plyer will be visible in the media preview when enabled.
The player starts playing the clip automatically in the media preview when enabled.
Info panel will be visible in the media preview when enabled.
Extended info panel will be visible in the media preview.
Panel with keyframes/thumbnail will be visible in the media preview.
XML panel with all the clip information will be visible in the media preview.
To see a lowres preview of the media, click on the PREVIEW button on the toolbar; a preview player will be displayed on the right of the screen, click on play. Keyframes may also be available, clicking on a keyframe will move you to that frame in the preview player. Low-resolution video can even be played out from the media grid and media extended views by clicking on the play icon on the thumbnail. In case you’d like to obtain additional information about a media object, this is also available by clicking on the PREVIEW button on the toolbar. Object details will be displayed in the INFO and XML sections of the preview. The amount of detail shown here depends on the Media Object Server which sends these details to OCTOPUS.
Media can be attached to stories in exactly the same way that wires can be. To attach a media object to a story use either the Attach dialogue or drag and drop a media object to desired story's assets section.
Depending on the system it may also be possible to create a placeholder for media that does not exist yet by clicking on the CREATE PLACEHOLDER toolbar button; then when the media becomes available it can be associated with this placeholder and timing of any scripts and rundowns containing this placeholder would be automatically updated.
OCTOPUS Contact management consists of three user sections – Contacts, Bid list and Guest list. The Contacts section is mainly focused on contact details and information about the person, but it also has an extension for using the contact in CG's added to stories. The Bid section is a list of all current invitations to contacts to appear on shows. Information about communication with contact can also be added. When a bid is confirmed, it will move from the bid list to the guest list.
The Contact section is a list of all of the journalist's contacts. This section is divided into two parts – the list of contacts on the left and contact details on the right. To create a new contact, click the NEW button on the left of the toolbar. In the contact details section on the right, click the edit button and you will see three tabs: Contact, Biography, and Note. The only mandatory field is the name of the contact. To delete a contact is very straightforward, just click the DELETE button on the toolbar while the contact is selected in the list.
Contacts can be imported/exported in the vCard format. Other contact management systems like MS Outlook can export contacts as vCards. To import a vCard file, click Import on the contact toolbar and browse for the file.
Descriptions of the fields are provided below:
Name – The name of the contact should be entered into the middle field. The first field is for the contacts title and the third can be used for qualifications.
Access – Accessibility of contact information to other users. Possibilities are PUBLIC (everyone can read and modify), PUBLIC-READ ONLY (everyone can only read), PRIVATE (only creator can access) and CUSTOM. With Custom access, it is possible to specify user(s) or group(s) with the right to read(R)/modify(M)/delete(D) the contact. When custom access is selected, a new button will appear next to this combo, clicking this button allows selection of the user and group rights.
Organization – The organization that this contact represents.
Title – The contacts job title within the organization.
E-mail – E-mail addresses for the contact can be entered under categories Home/Work/Other.
Mobile – Mobile numbers can be entered for the contact under categories Home/Work/Other.
IM – Instant messaging ID's (for example a Skype ID) can be entered here. The list of available providers can be modified by your system administrator.
Topics – This is a list of topics in which the contact has expertise. To view a list of all previously entered topics, click the '…' button next to this list. If the desired topic doesn't exist, simply type it directly into the text field and a new topic will appear in the list. These can then be used when searching for contacts that are knowledgeable in a particular topic.
Work/Home/Alternative/Other address fields – They can be used for address of contact. Each of them can contain a different address.
Used for CGs – Completing the text for CG's allowing this contact to be easily added to CG templates. The first line displays the name of the contact, the second and third lines should match the typical input for your two or three line CG templates. In story script you can easily choose the graphic template (Ctrl+G) for Quick CG and then, when you start writing the contact name in the technical part of that CG, whisperer will give you hints.
Tags – This is a list of tags or keywords related to this contact. To view a list of all previously entered tags, click the '…' button next to this list. If the desired tag doesn't exist, simply type it directly into the text field and a new tag will appear in the list. These can then be used in place of contact groups, all contacts that you would like to be returned in a search for a particular keyword can have a relevant tag added here.
Biography – This is available in the second tab within the contact details section. A brief biography for the contact should be typed into this text field.
Note – The third tab within the contact details section. Any additional information can be entered here.
Every contact also has a history of communication between journalists and the contact. This is accessible after clicking the Communication tab in contact details.
Details of more communication can be added after clicking the NEW button. It will open a dialogue with the option to enter the time of communication and the details of the discussion. The communication tab for the contact will also display communication added using the bid/guest sections of OCTOPUS.
In the figure above, there is also a third tab called 'Latest bid.' This one will appear when a bid for the contact is made. More on Bids can be seen in the following chapter.
The bid list shows a list of all current bids. The bid itself is an invitation to a contact to be interviewed on a show. For example, when preparing a story about changes to the Constitution, it might be useful to get an opinion from a contact who is an expert in politic sciences, so a bid for this contact would be made in OCTOPUS. An important property of bid is its status. Once the contact has confirmed availability for the show, the status would be changed to confirmed and the bid would then be moved to the guest list. Other statuses such as refused or new can be added, the configuration of bid statuses is done in the Administration-Bid statuses section.
The bid list section is divided into two sections in the same way as the contacts section. On the left side, there is list of all bids. Details are can be seen on right side. Please see the image on the following page.
Another way to view bids for a particular contact is to view the 'Latest bid' tab in the contact details.
You can also view all bids for a particular contact by clicking the button ALL BIDS OF CONTACT. This button can be found in the details section of every contact/bid/guest.
Each bid has the following properties: Show time, Topics, Tags, Rundown, Location, Money, Paid, Status and Communication. These are described in detail below.
Show time – The time and date of the show on which you would like the contact to be interviewed. This option is mandatory.
Rundown – For which rundown/show the bid is created.
Location – The location at which the meeting or interview should take place.
Money – If the contact will be paid for the visit, you can enter the amount here.
Paid – Check the box for paid status, to indicate whether the guest has been paid or not.
Status – A drop-down list of the available statuses. Generally, if a bid has the Confirmed status it will be moved to the guest list. The list of status should be created by your administrator, and the confirmed status or equivalent should be marked as 'Move bid to guest list'.
It is possible to creat a new bid from two different places. The first option is to go to the Contact section and click the 'New bid' button. After the fields are completed, it is necessary to save the bid by clicking the 'Save button.' The second option goes directly to Bid list section and click the NEW BID button.
The guest list is used to display only the confirmed bids separately. All bids with confirmed status will be displayed here. The layout is the same as the bid list and all contact/bid information can be edited in the same was as the Bid list.
My Octopus is a standard part of the main menu, designed to facilitate quick access to data generally related to the user. It usually contains the following items: My assignments, My stories, My stuff, Favorite wires, Notification rules, Notification history and User groups. Below you can find a basic description of each of these sections.
My ssignments contain the assignments which you created or the ones in which the user is present/assigned (in the users section).
My stories is structured like a story folder, yet it contains only the stories created by you or in which you were assigned as a reporter. The stories will appear there automatically and will automatically reflect any changes done in the story (no matter whether accessed from another place or from My stories).
My stuff (or similar name, depending on the local configuration) is a collection of various items, both private and public. It was created to respond to the need of having a personal space where journalists can keep notes, stories that don't yet belong somewhere or any useful materials (stories, files, URLs, text notes, placeholders, wires and more).
As described in the wires section, a wire that is marked as favourite will be visible in this section.
The notification rules as described in chapter 7.9, can be later accessed in this section (viewed or edited depending on ownership and configuration).
The notification history contains system messages and user messages received over the widgets.
As described in Chapter 6.7, the user groups section allows you to create, edit or delete messaging groups. These options are available through the toolbar.
Folders in OCTOPUS have a local Fulltext Search, this includes Story Folders, Wires and RSS, Media and Contacts. This allows you to quickly search the body text of wires/stories, media metadata or details of contacts while you are working in the relevant folder. Left click in the fulltext search query entry box and enter the keywords that you are looking for. This type of search supports entry of one or more keywords, entering more that one keyword will return results including only items that contain all of the keywords.
Using the Global search, you can quickly run a fulltext search in all story folders, Wires and RSS, Media and Contacts at the same time. Type the keywords into the search section at the top right of the screen, then press Enter. Another option is to click on the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the screen, enter the keywords at the top of the search window and then click the search button. It is possible to narrow the results down by ticking only the type of object that you are searching for – Stories, Wires, Media or Contacts. Another option for refining the search is to choose a particular date using the calendar or by directly entering a valid date into the date entry box.
If you enter two keywords to be searched, the space is interpreted as AND, so "Hillary Clinton" will find all matches that have both words in the document.
You can use the operator OR, "Hillary OR Clinton" will find all documents that have either Hillary or Clinton.
OR can be used together with AND, "Hillary or Bill Clinton" will find any matches that have Hillary and Clinton or Bill and Clinton inside the document.
Searches will automatically search for multiple variations of the root word, for example, a search for "corrupt" will return results that include any of the words corrupt, corruption, corrupted etc.
You can use an exclamation mark to search for an exact word, so "corrupt!" would only return documents that include the word corrupt, not documents with the word corruption.
Running a search with no keywords from the top right area will open the global search page as well. This can be useful in order to avoid a uselessly wide scope search.
The results of the global search are displayed in a list as seen above in the Global Search Window. Initially, the search results are listed according to relevance, so if for example, a message contains “France” more than once it will be higher in the list. By clicking on the column headers, you can sort the list according to Date or Type, clicking again will switch between ascending or descending order. Double clicking on an item in the list will open it in a new tab and you can then drag and drop this tab header to another location – for example drag a media item onto a package element in a script. It is also possible to drag and drop items from the spotlight search results list to another folder in OCTOPUS.
Please check the description of the quick search in Chapter 1: Section 3.11, “Quick Search”.
From the same top right area of the screen from where you can find the Global search, you can also select a web search option. If you click the drop down triangle you will be able to select one of the search engines or web sites pre-configured by the administrators. By default, the following are available:
Bing - search engine
Google - search engine
Yahoo - search engine
Wikipedia - free online encyclopedia
If more search engines or online sources are required, please contact your local administrator or octopus support and they will configure it for you. Another useful example could be Google maps.
This feature was designed to make Octopus even more useful when a quick web search is necessary or to research a topic fast, however, it was not designed to fully replace the functionality of a stand alone web browser. The simple functionality includes: forward and backward arrows, refresh button, favorites button (yellow star to the right) and an address bar where the pages can be typed or pasted. Of course, this means that this section allows more than just searching. The URLs marked as favorites can be found in the "My stuff" private folder.
It is also worth noting that even the web pages can be bookmarked by dragging and dropping the tabs to the top left section of the client.
When you delete a story from a container or rundown it will be moved to the Trash by default. Unless the item is restored, the story will remain in the trash for 5 days until it is purged. The items you will see in the Trash is dependant on user rights, if you have the rights to read own items you will see items that you created, or if general read access has been granted then all trash will be displayed – anything you have read access to you should be able to preview or restore by selecting the item and clicking on the DELETE or EMPTY TRASH, this again is dependant on user rights whether you will be able to able to delete your own items, all items or nothing.
or the button. It is possible to delete selected items or to empty all contents of the trash by clicking theTo restore a deleted story, select it from a list and press Ctrl/Shift+left click. Dragging and dropping stories to a container will also restore them.
button. You will then be presented with a list of containers, choose the one you would like to restore the item to and click the button. Double clicking on an item in the list will also start the restore action. You can select multiple items to restore usingOCTOPUS will often be configured by your administrators to archive rundowns automatically, in addition to this if you want to store a permanent copy of a story from a container that has never been in a rundown you should manually archive the story. Stories can be archived from any of the folders or rundowns. Also, whole rundown(s) can be archived manually.
Select the story or stories from the list while in a container or rundown and click on the down arrow next to the Yes in the confirmation dialogue box. If you are archiving a story from a story folder, check that if it is not assigned to a rundown (there would be an exclamation mark in the column with the header '#' if it is assigned to a rundown). Archiving a story that is assigned to a rundown will result in the story being removed from the Rundown as well as from the Story Folder. To archive the whole rundown manually, click the down arrow on the button on the rundown toolbar, choose Archive and then confirm in the same manner as with archiving a story. Whether or not users can archive their own stories/slugs, archive any stories/slugs, or archive an entire rundown is managed by User Rights, these can be applied for each Story Folder and Show.
button on the toolbar, from there you can select Archive Story. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to archive the story by typingTo find a story in the archive, use the SEARCH function described above. Using advanced search option opens Columns tab, click the archived column, choose that you want to look for archived stories only. Same way you can enter Reporter’s name if you know it. Then write your search query. Don’t forget to select the correct date range. Try to select date range as narrow as possible as this would speed up your search a lot. To see a script of founded archived story, hit PREVIEW button. You can also copy story from archive to one of the folders by pressing button in toolbar and selecting one of folders.
Reports allow users to export aggregate statistical data about stories and their usage in rundowns. You can set limits to channel(s), show type(s), user(s), tag(s), date range, etc. You can also group results by day, month, year, tag, user or group. As far as date range is concerned, this can be set for every report execution - you can keep reusing one report and only update date range every time.
There are three tabs in report edit dialogue - Basic, Locations, and User.
In Basic tab you can limit story set by tags and date range. If you check "Relative" checkbox next to dates, OCTOPUS will remember dates not as absolute dates but as offset to current date. If you, for instance, set dates corresponding last week on Monday, run on next Monday would process current week. If you archive aggressively, you might want to include archived stories - keep in mind such stories are no longer present in story folders (but they keep the link to rundown, if it was archived en bloc). In Output part you can select grouping you want, if you want to see the amount of stories per day, choose the day, if you would like to have stories broken down by user, select user etc. If you check "Include story list", names of individual stories will also be part of the export.
Think twice before attempting to get report for unreasonably long period such as one year - it might put significant load on the system and such reports are likely to time out anyways. Reasonability depends on amount of stories, your server hardware, amount of users, it is recommended to start low and increase report limits gradually.
In Locations tab, you can select story folders, channels and show types to be included in results. If you don't select anything, OCTOPUS will behave as if there was no filter (ie. processes all).
In Users tab you can select user and/or groups to be searched. If you don't select anything, OCTOPUS will search stories created/owned/reported by all users.
Once the report is created you can execute it via "Execute" action. Results will be opened in new tab. You can change date range and re-execute it if necessary. You can also save the result into CSV or XML by clicking "Save As..." toolbar button.
There are two ways that OCTOPUS can be integrated with CG devices, either via MOS or by using CG Control (this chapter covers only CG Control) with Chyron or Aston drivers to send CG's via a serial connection to the CG device. The CG control interface sends the text entered in CG's in OCTOPUS stories along with a template number to the CG device. The CG device will then add the text to the matching template and render it. Whenever changes are made to an OCTOPUS rundown, these can be automatically sent to the CG device via CG control.
Your administrators will need to add the CG control option to the OCTOPUS main menu; clicking on the CG Control option will open it in the current tab.
There are four buttons on the toolbar.
It opens the rundown selector dialogue from which you can choose the rundown to work with, this works the same way as the Rundown Selector for normal rundowns. The down arrow on the Rundown button allows selection of the previous or Next consecutive rundowns.
It sends all CGs to the selected CG device connection
It allows selection of either
or mode.CG Control supports two ways of triggering CG's, manual and automatic. The mode can be changed using the Mode button on the toolbar as discussed above. In manual mode CGs are sent by selecting the CG in the rundown and then pressing the Space key; pressing Space will also select the next consecutive CG in the rundown to allow moving through the rundown by continuing to press the Space key. Double clicking on a CG will also send it to the device.
Automatic mode sends all CGs in the selected rundown to the CG device. If changes are made to CGs in the rundown or if slugs are renamed/moved/skipped/deleted these changes will be sent automatically to the CG device. Under automatic mode, although CGs are sent automatically they will not be rendered automatically. You will need to use the systems provided by your CG Device vendor to bring CGs on screen at the appropriate time.
See the Section 19.2.2, “CG control config”.
CG device filter allows you to display only CGs for a particular device and CG device connection allows selection of the device connection appropriate for the CG device connected via serial cable to your OCTOPUS client machine (The options in both of these lists are configurable by your system administrators – see OCTOPUS Admin Guide).
The lower window in CG control shows messages related to connection and delivery of the CG's. Errors here may indicate a problem with the connection or the CG device itself.
Stories without CGs will be visible on the list.
The connection to the CG device will be automatic if only one connection is configured.